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Series 2 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 2

Series 2 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 2

Explain in detail the process of denial and affirmation.

2. Denial is the attitude of mind which says "no" to that which is undesirable and unwanted, first in our consciousness to error beliefs, then to the manifestations that resulted from those beliefs. It clears from mind the wrong mental pattern, and the undesirable condition, having nothing to sustain it, is dissolved.

"Denial is the erasing, cleansing, or releasing from our consciousness all beliefs, thoughts, and concepts that are contrary to Truth" (Lessons in Truth Lesson 4 Annotation 1 on "Denials" ).

Affirmation is primarily the attitude of mind which says "yes" with both our thinking and our feeling to the good and desirable. It establishes realization of this good in our consciousness; then the good is made actual in every phase of our life.

"An affirmation is a statement of Truth by which we establish in our consciousness the truth about God, the universe, ourselves, others, or about a condition or thing" (Lessons in Truth Lesson 5 Annotation 1 on "Affirmations").

Both of these processes, which actually form one process related to the cleansing and rebuilding of consciousness, may be in the form of audible statements or silent assertions. We see Jesus' use of these processes in these three verses of Scripture: "Let your communication be, Yea, yea; nay, nay" (Matt. 5:37); "Get thee behind me, Satan" (Matt. 16:23); "Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48).

In the Scriptures the act of "fasting" represents denial — the emptying out of depleted or inadequate states of mind (and abstaining from their return) in preparation for the laying hold in consciousness of the ideals that make up our divine inheritance. John the Baptist advocated "water baptism" as symbolic of the washing away of sins. Even Jesus Christ submitted to this baptism of John in order that He might observe the "letter" of the law, having already observed the "spirit" of God's law through His own realization of and consecration to His mission.

"Water baptism indicates a letting-go attitude of thought, denial. Spiritual baptism is positive, a taking on, an affirmation. All growth takes place through these two attitudes — a letting go and a taking hold, or denial and affirmation" (Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, p. 96).

Preceding Entry: Explain why man should be in conscious control of all his thoughts.
Following Entry: Describe In your own words how the body is reconstructed by affirmation and by denial.