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Dominion and Power (Rabel)

This is a series of lectures given by Mr. Edward Rabel, member of the faculty of S.M.R.S.
Fall semester 1975 - 2nd. Yr. Class. Part of a lecture given on September 9, 1975

Topic: 6
Gen. 1:26, pp.19-20 of transcript.

Dominion and Power

“Let us,” you see, Elohim is plural, God as plural creative emanations, “let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness.” Here is the first mention of man as a divine idea, not yet an incorporeal creature, but as a divine idea. “And let them have dominion over everything that goes to constitute creativity. Let man have complete dominion over all that goes to make up that something called creativity. Of course that’s symbolized as fish. Who wants to have dominion over fish? But fish represent what? In Scripture, fish always means ideas. Let man have dominion over ideas; in other words, you can choose to think what you choose to think. If you want to have an idea of a purple cow flying in the air, who’s going to stop you? You have dominion over the ideas you choose. So that dominion over fish, over the fowl of the air, over the cattle and over the earth, over every creeping thing. This isn’t quite as easy as it appears, but it’s true; you and I as man, as human being, as creativity embodied, we actually do have dominion over all the organic processes of our existence. You don’t kid yourself that you don’t. Again, this same student objected last year. “I don’t have dominion over my heartbeat.” “Yes, you do, you little sweet thing. You don’t have conscious dominion over it anymore, because you don’t need it any more. You now have unconscious dominion, but at one time you had conscious dominion over it. But now you don’t need that.”

Q. This is about the first man. Remember we were talking about dominion over creativity. Isn’t he the perfect created man as the Christ man?

A. As an idea in God’s mind, and we are not in that consciousness. No we’re not. We have a great mystery here which I would give the world if I could explain it, but I can’t—how could we depart from it? Nobody knows this. There are countless theories—some of the theories are highly critical, you know, like Fundamentalism and some of them are very complimentary, saying that we’ve done the greatest thing in the world. I’ve done a lot of research on this. Now, my favorite explanation is the Theosophical one that Madame Blavatsky advocates. It’s my favorite, probably, because I spend so much time reading it and put so much effort into understanding it; and you know, once you invest so much of yourself into something, you kind of hate to give it up. That’s just like trying to talk an MD who has worked 23 years to get where he’s gotten, into spiritual healing. You can’t do it. Or try to talk a clever criminal lawyer into justice; you can’t do it.

Transcribed by Bill Nelson on 01-12-2015