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Mary Kupferle Guidelines to Prayer

Download PDF of Guidelines to Prayer by Mary L. Kupferle

Here is a 64 page booklet written by Mary Kupferle and printed by Unity School of Christianity in 1975. This appears to be a 10 lesson sermon series or perhaps a workshop based on the metaphysical concept of the three-fold nature of humanity—Spirit, soul and body. Here is her introduction:

There are certain spiritual laws that insure the orderly, harmonious ongoing of the universe, and when we discover and get in tune with these laws, all right results become apparent in our life. These laws were created by God for the use of His beloved offspring, men and women everywhere, and we need only acquaint ourself with them and prayerfully apply them in order to demon­ strate every good quality in our life.

“Guidelines to Prayer” has been created with the hope that it will help the student better understand and get in touch with these laws and with his own higher nature. It is through prayer and right understanding that we can develop our inner potential and express more life, more harmony, more abundance, more joy in each event of our daily living.

Each section of “Guidelines to Prayer” investigates one of these laws and the ways in which it can be successfully applied to the student’s particular situation. Each section is followed by a “Circle of Life” diagram that relates to the preceding material. It is hoped that these diagrams will aid the student in his comprehension of his relationship with God and with the world. A certain amount of space has been provided after each section for the student to make notes of any thoughts he might have about the section. Each person approaches God in a unique, individual way. May these guidelines be beneficial to you in your continuing search for the wonder that is God!

I recommend this booklet because she provides a new and creative view prayer, based on a well-known metaphysical construct—Spirit, soul and body. My sense is that if we follow her “Guidelines to Prayer” we will not only improve our prayer experience, but we will also enhance our understanding of the inner workings of our mind.