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Unity Correspondence School Directions for Study Classes

Published by Field Department of the UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY 917 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo.


  • The Purpose of Unity 2
  • The Relation of Unity Headquarters to Unity Study Classes and Centers 2
  • Origin 3
  • The Organizer 3
  • Preparation for Leaders 4
  • Informal Study 6
  • What to Study 8
  • Bible Study 10
  • Books for Circulating Libraries 11
  • How to Study 12
  • Suggested Outline for Study Class Meeting 14
  • Working in Divine Order 15
  • Center Administration 18
  • Board of Directors 19
  • Suggested Program for Center Work 20
  • Weekly Program for Center Work 21
  • Outline for Noon Silence 22
  • Healing Silences 23
  • No Conversation in Class Room 23
  • The Name 24
  • Finances 26
  • Division of Offering 28
  • Announcements 29
  • Healing Group 31
  • Reports 32
  • The Churches 33
  • Names of Unity Subscribers Not Given Out.. 34
  • Have a Standard 35 Avoid Mixed Teaching 36
  • Visiting Speakers 36
  • Live the Truth 37
  • Explanation of Correspondence Course 38
  • Explanation of Methods and Ideals Course. .40
  • Good Words Club 42
  • Silent Unity 42
  • Silent-70 43
  • Sunday School 44
  • Handling Unity Literature 47
  • Listing in Unity Magazine 47


How to Organize and Conduct a Practical Christian Ministry Published by Field Department of the UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY 917 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo.

The Purpose of Unity

The purpose of Unity is to give the people a practical application of what they already have received through their church affiliations. Unity stands independent as an exponent of Practical Christianity, teaching the application of the doctrine of Jesus Christ in all the affairs of life; explaining the action of mind—the connecting link between God and man; how mind affects the body, producing discord or harmony, sickness or health; how it brings man into the understanding of divine law, harmony, health, and peace here and now.

The Relation of Unity Headquarters to Unity Study Classes and Centers

A Unity study class or center is an independent association of Unity students formed to provide, maintain, and conduct a center and place of assembly, where the principles of practical Christianity, as set forth by Jesus Christ and interpreted in the light of present day experiences by the Unity School of Christianity, of Kansas City, Mo., shall be taught and practiced. Unity centers are places of religious research for all people, regardless of creed, and places where helpful instruction in Christian living may be received. They are voluntary associations of such Unity students as may desire to band themselves together for study, mutual help, and service. A Unity study class is an opportunity for individual growth in understanding and applying the principle. Unity School has no officially authorized branches, centers, or study classes. Unity School cooperates with centers and study classes to the degree that they make it possible by bringing their teaching and practice up to the standards held by Unity School. The Bible and Unity literature are the standards by which all Unity students should measure Truth and determine whether the teaching in a class or a center is Truth. Through its Field Department the Unity School of Christianity offers an advisory service for the purpose of promoting high standards in conducting of centers, teaching and practice.


Because of the desire of many Truth students to meet for the cooperative study of Unity principles as taught by the Unity School of Christianity, the following described plan has been adopted. You who are desirous of coming together for study of the Unity principles are respectfully requested to read carefully and prayerfully and to follow this outline for cooperative study:

The Organizer

Before definitely deciding to take up this work you should give careful consideration to the plan outlined for informal study groups and to the necessary preparation for teachers and leaders. Two or three friends can meet to read and discuss the Unity teachings, as an informal study group, but their meetings should not be announced to the general public. Before a Unity center is opened to the public, it should have a leader who has completed the following courses:

Preparation for Leaders

Any one who desires to serve as a Unity teacher or healer is required to make a thorough study of the fundamental principles of Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ and explained in Lessons in Truth and Miscellaneous Writings, by H. Emilie Cady, and in Christian Healing, by Charles Fillmore. He must then satisfactorily complete the Unity Correspondence School course and the Methods and Ideals Course for Conducting Classes and Centers, under our supervision. When a student has read and studied the textbooks, he is ready to be enrolled for the Unity Correspondence School course, which is an advanced study of the fundamental principles, given in a clear and concise manner, so that every point is brought to the student's attention in a comprehensive way. We recommend that students complete the Correspondence course before they take up the study of the Methods and Ideals course, as the latter is a training in the application of Principle only as it applies to organization work. In completing this study it is necessary to keep in mind that the preparation is not intellectual but spiritual, and that the preparation which God requires of workers in His vineyard demands consecrated hearts, open and receptive minds, and ready obedience to His will. The consecrated heart is an undivided heart. No one who is trying to serve both God and mammon can do spiritual work that is acceptable to the Father. While we are all overcomers, we should have proved the principles of Truth to a satisfying degree in our own lives and affairs before attempting to serve as teachers of others. Ask yourself this question: "Is God manifesting through me as health, supply, harmony, peace, wisdom, and good will?" While it is very essential that the leader have a thorough knowledge and realization of the fundamental principles of Truth, this alone does not fulfill the requirements for leadership. In addition to speaking, a leader has not only the cleansing of his own consciousness to meet in daily overcoming, but he must learn to be watchful and wise in helping others with the problems that they are meeting. He must also have the ability to draw the group together in a oneness of purpose that will withstand the additional demands that will be made upon a larger work.

Informal Study

While you are completing the Correspondence course and the Methods and Ideals course you might bring a group of students together for informal study, as all work should start in a small way whether it is during the time that you are preparing for leadership or after you have completed this preparation. As a group proceeds slowly it is easier to develop the qualifications for leadership. This group may consist of two or three friends or of as many as twelve or fifteen persons who desire to come together for regular and systematic study of the Unity teaching. It should be clearly understood that the purpose is for the development of individual spiritual understanding. At the first meeting of an informal study group those attending should determine whether they wish to meet once each week or once in every two weeks and should set a definite day and hour for the meeting. We believe that one hour given over entirely to reading, discussion, and prayerful meditation accomplishes more than two hours divided between Truth study and general conversation. If students desire a little time for visiting, we suggest that all visiting be delayed until after the class meeting, and that the students then be faithful in keeping the conversation constructive. It is important that each student set aside a definite time as a daily prayer period at home. H. Emilie Cady says: "Every soul must take time daily for quiet and meditation. In daily meditation lies the secret of power. No one can grow in either spiritual knowledge or power without it. Practice the presence of God just as you would practice music. It is the only way in which you will ever gain definite knowledge, newness of experience, steadiness of purpose, or power to meet the unknown which must come in all daily life." In this daily prayer period you should take up some of the thoughts that are given in Lessons in Truth and the Unity healing and prosperity statements for the current month. For instruction and helpful suggestions in regard to prayer and meditation we recommend Methods of Meditation, by Jennie H. Croft, and The Silence, by E. V. Ingraham. We want to stress especially the importance of a daily prayer period for each student, for each must do his own building, that is, he must establish within his own consciousness the reality of the omnipresence of God. No public announcement should be made of informal study classes. Preparation precedes all good work, and a group of individuals should have a working knowledge of Principle before attempting to accept the added responsibilities of rendering a spiritual service to the general public. The purpose of this work is the same, whether an informal class or a center is concerned; that is, for each one to gain a clear understanding of God as Spirit, indwelling and omnipresent within everything in the universe, and of the relationship of man, a spiritual being, to his Father. The success of a study group is determined by the earnestness of each individual member in seeking to understand and to apply this teaching in his everyday life and affairs. As the members of the group become unified and harmonized in their study and application of the principles of Truth others who desire to study will be drawn to them and growth in numbers will come as a natural result.

What to Study

A regular and systematic study of the fundamental principles of Truth should be a part of every class program. This is necessary in order to bring forth the spiritual consciousness of the students and develop a number of thoroughly qualified workers. We therefore approve a systematic study of the following named textbooks:

  • Lessons in Truth, by H. Emilie Cady
  • Miscellaneous Writings, by H. Emilie Cady
  • Christian Healing, by Charles Fillmore

In addition to these textbooks for regular study we recommend and approve the following for reference and for additional class work:

  • The Bible
  • Directions for Beginners, by Charles Fillmore
  • Methods of Meditation, by Jennie H. Croft
  • The Silence, by E. V. Ingraham
  • Prosperity and Success, by Sophia Van Marter
  • Truth in the Home, by Alice L. Ruth
  • Talks on Truth, by Charles Fillmore
  • Selected Studies, by Imelda Octavia Shanklin
  • Spiritual Housekeeping, by Annie Rix Militz

In addition to a systematic class study of these textbooks and tracts, we recommend the Correspondence School course and the Methods and Ideals course as advanced work for individual study. One should not feel that he should withdraw from the regular class activities before taking this advanced work. He should remain in the class to give of his added inspiration and deeper understanding. Advanced students may also receive new ideas and light on the principles of Truth, from the questions asked from a beginner's viewpoint. This is good for individual growth, and it is a training that will be especially valuable to those who expect to become teachers. All the Unity periodicals deal with practical subjects and will throw additional light and understanding on Truth. We particularly call your attention to the fact that the Sunday lessons in Unity magazine follow the International Sunday school lessons. Weekly Unity gives a responsive service to correspond with each week's lessons. Sunday morning service in every Unity center should follow the international topic as outlined each week in Weekly Unity with metaphysical interpretation. (As used each Sunday morning at Unity headquarters and in the outstanding Unity centers.) The international topic should furnish the inspiration for subject and subject matter of the morning address.

Bible Study

We interpret the Bible in the Spirit and do not give too much attention to the letter. You will find the Sunday lessons in Unity magazine, and the responsive service in Weekly Unity, helpful in instructing your students in metaphysical Bible study.

The following named books are approved for general reading in circulating libraries:

[Website note: this table is omitted. See page 7 of the original PDF for the listing]

How to Study

The following named points are very important to you in your establishing order and accomplishing your purpose: Set aside a definite day and hour for meeting. Let it be understood by all who attend that the entire meeting is to be consecrated to the Lord's work, and that there shall be no negative discussion or talk. The entire time should be devoted to prayerful meditation and discussion of the lesson. The whole class should realize that the object in studying "Lessons in Truth" is not to cover a given number of pages at each lesson, but rather to gain an understanding of every vital point in each paragraph. One paragraph or point of the lesson should be taken up at a time. After the paragraph has been read either by the leader or by some member of the class, the central idea in it should be pointed out and discussed. The "Question Helps" in the back of the textbook will assist in bringing out the central idea contained in each paragraph. Leave no point without giving it due consideration. When a satisfactory explanation of any question is not forthcoming, a few moments of silence will help clear it up. The leader or chairman should see to it that all discussions are kept strictly to the point. When the discussion is allowed to deviate, confusion is the natural result, while a very satisfactory result may be obtained by keeping directly on the subject. Remember, never argue! Keep to the subject! Be considerate of every one's ideas. Your purpose is to find Truth. No class should discontinue the study of Lessons in Truth and Christian Healing until the members have a thorough knowledge of the text and can answer the questions without referring to the book. Study classes and centers should conduct classes in Lessons in Truth and Christian Healing continually so that members may gain a working knowledge of Truth through a systematic study of the fundamental principles. Many earnest students of Truth, especially beginners, have a great many questions to ask. You will find it impractical to try to answer questions that do not have a direct bearing on the lesson that you are discussing. Many are of a general character and would involve an explanation of the entire teaching. We therefore suggest that it is better not to spend much time in puzzling over such questions. Give your entire time to developing the mind in you which does see, know, and understand; in this way all things will be made perfectly clear as you continue with the study. To every member of informal study groups we want to stress the fact that this is not a theory, but is a practical teaching that must be applied daily if satisfactory results are to be gained.

Suggested Outline for Study Class Meeting

The program for study classes should be as simple as possible. We recommend that you do not attempt to conduct a regular Sunday devotional service without a thoroughly qualified speaker and leader. This leaves students free to attend church services, if they are church members; if they are not, it gives them a good opportunity to make individual study of the Sunday Bible lessons given in Unity and Weekly Unity. We suggest the following outline for study class meetings: Opening Song: We recommend Unity Song Selections as especially adapted to study class services. Silence: "There is only one Presence and one Power, the Good Omnipotent," or "Jesus Christ is now here, raising us to His consciousness of God's great love." (Repeat the statement together three times audibly and then meditate on it silently from three to five minutes.) Song: "New Mercies, New Blessings" (to close silence). If you are not prepared to have music, close your silence by audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer. Lesson: Have leader or some member of the class read one paragraph; follow with general discussion. Proceed in this way around the entire class, taking plenty of time so that each member will get a clear understanding of each point involved. Leader should use care to keep the discussion strictly to the subject. Should the students wander into irrelevant subjects, recall them to the point. Silence: "In our unity of purpose, we are guided by infinite wisdom and prospered by divine love" (or healing or prosperity statement). Receiving Offerings: Either pass offering basket or place it at door. The class should bless the offering by repeating the following blessing in unison three times: "Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies you." (Explanation of blessing given under "Finances.") Dismiss.

Working in Divine Order

From the very beginning, a study group should have a leader or chairman, a secretary, and a treasurer. Their respective duties are: LEADER OR CHAIRMAN: For informal study groups the leader or chairman should be deeply interested in the study of Truth, but need not necessarily be a prepared leader or teacher. The leader's responsibility is to become thoroughly familiar with the instructions given in this tract and to see that they are closely followed by the class. She should also see that meetings start on time, that proper books are used, and should encourage constructive discussion and a spirit of good will and harmony. In new groups it might be well to choose a leader or chairman every six months and in this way pass the position around until all have had experience. This will disclose the one best adapted to this work, if it seem best to have a permanent leader. SECRETARY: The secretary shall keep a roster of the name, address, and telephone number of each member; shall keep a record of any important meetings or proceedings; shall read a report to the class once a month, including report received from the treasurer; shall carry on all communications, and especially shall keep the Unity Field Department informed as to the time and place of meetings and the course of study followed. These reports should be made regularly on the Quarterly report blanks furnished each center and study class (reports are mailed in January, March, June and September) by the Unity Field Department. While your work is individually conducted and we do not have jurisdiction over it, we find it is necessary to keep in close touch with study classes and centers who wish our active cooperation in keeping their work up to the Unity standard. When study classes and centers take the name Unity they are assuming a sacred responsibility as co-workers with Unity in presenting the Principles of Truth. In fairness to Unity readers and the public everywhere we must all keep to one definite standard and this is why Quarterly Reports are to be mailed the Field Department regularly. TREASURER: The treasurer shall re-cieve all money from the secretary, giving her receipt therefor; upon proper authority, shall make payment for literature bought from the Unity Sales Department, and for all other expenses; and shall make a report once a month to the secretary, giving account of money received and expended, and a statement as to publications sold and on hand. As the work progresses the leader will need further assistance in carrying on the general management of the work. He or she should begin to give the more consecrated workers an opportunity to assist by encouraging individual expression in the classes and by giving the students an opportunity to share some of the responsibility. Study your people and give each one an opportunity to serve in work that is suitable to his ability. For instance, one student may make a good hostess; another may receive and bless the class offering; others may see that the room is in order before the meeting, hand out special announcements, make announcements during class, or distribute free literature. Through students' serving in this way you will be able to observe their ability and thus develop your hostess group and your teachers and healers in a gradual and natural way. Where the room is kept open daily, the hostess in charge should be a consecrated worker. She should look after such duties as selling literature, conducting a noonday silence, and declaring the healing word for those who call at the center while she is in charge.

Center Administration

As the work grows larger, a more diversified plan of administration will become necessary; we are therefore giving an outline for a board of directors and for committees that are usually required in a large and active work. The secretary and the treasurer, under the new arrangement, should perform the duties as heretofore outlined, with such additional duties as the new form of administration would require. No matter what plan is used in arranging for a board of directors, the leader should be consulted. The board members should be appointed according to their spiritual progress and their ability to perform the duties required of them. In appointing the first board of directors it might be a wise plan for the leader to appoint the present secretary and treasurer as board members and to select two other consecrated workers who are qualified to serve in this capacity, making a total of five, including the leader. Each teacher and group of workers can best decide how complete an organization is necessary, and can make additions as the needs arise.

Board of Directors and Committees

  1. A Board of Directors consists of from five to twelve members.
  2. The officers are: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. These four officers are elected annually. All who attend the center are eligible to vote. Nominate, and vote by ballot.
  3. Leaders are ex officio members of the board and of all committees.
  4. The chairman of each of the committees is appointed by the four elected officers and the leader; such chairmen then become active members of the board.
  5. The committees are: library, program and music, house, arrangement, advertising, Silent-70 work, the local healing group, entertainment and recreation. Others may be added as need arises.
  6. The duties of the committees are as follows:

The library committee attends to the ordering of literature from Unity headquarters and to the sale of same. This committee also looks after the circulating library, if the center maintain one. The program committee plans and outlines the various class and lecture programs. It arranges for pianists, soloists, and so forth, and attends to the printing of programs and announcements. The entertainment committee plans and arranges all social, good-time, and get-together programs. It arranges for games, entertainments, and a dinner or refreshments once each month. The house committee attends to making the room ready for class meetings and lectures. It looks after the securing of janitor service, flowers, decorations, and so forth. The advertising committee attends to newspaper notices, special announcement cards, and framed announcements for hotels and public places. It sees that regular notices are sent to Unity headquarters for publication in the magazines. The local healing group works with the leader in a healing ministry touching every phase and department of the work. The Silent-70 committee attends to the distribution of all free literature. It also attends to placing, throughout the city, suitable racks for the literature.

Suggested Program for Center Work of a More Formal Nature

Sunday Services for Center Work 9:45 a. m., Sunday school; classes for adults and for children. 11 O'CLOCK Service Opening Silence (to be held during organ prelude)—In our unity of purpose we are guided by infinite wisdom and prospered by divine love. Organ Prelude Hymn Silent Prayer—(Use statement following the lesson interpretation in Weekly Unity) Lord's Prayer Announcements Anthem Responsive Service—International topic as outlined each week in Weekly Unity with metaphysical interpretation. (As used each Sunday morning at Unity headquarters and in the outstanding Unity centers.) Address Meditation (To be held during offertory) —Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies you. Offertory Doxology— "Praise God that good is everywhere; Praise to the love we all may share, The life that thrills in you and me; Praise to the Truth that sets us free." Benediction Organ Postlude

Weekly Program for Center Work

Sunday: Sunday School ... 9:45 a. m. Service ... 11 a. m. Young People's Christian Unity ... 7 p. m. Service ... 8 p. m. Tuesday: Class in Lessons in Truth, 8 p.m. Thursday: Class in Christian Healing, 8 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, prosperity silence at 12 noon. NOTE. This is merely a suggested outline; each class or center should choose the hour and day that best meet its need.

Outline for Noon Silence

A noonday meeting is a very important part of a center program, especially where the center is located in the business district. At Unity headquarters the noonday meeting is conducted as a prosperity silence. The prosperity thought used by Unity headquarters for the month is always taken as a part of the silence. We suggest a ten minute talk on prosperity or on the Unity Daily Word lesson for the day, and a five minute silence, taking one or two definite statements of Truth in the first, second, and third person. One of these statements should be the monthly prosperity thought. Silence should prevail during the remaining fifteen minutes. Should any one wish to leave he should do so quietly and promptly. This meeting may be called a noonday silence, prosperity silence, or noonday talk and meditation.

Healing Silences

Healing and prosperity silences in connection with each meeting are great helps in training the students to make practical application of the teaching. For these silences we suggest the use of the Silent Unity class thoughts for the current month. The classes usually repeat these statements three times in unison, first using "I," then "we," then "you." This gives the members of the class an opportunity to declare Truth for themselves, then for each other, and then for friends or for any one else who may be in need of help. The time for silences should be from two to ten minutes, according to the experience of the group. Beginners should have a short silence period; as students become more experienced the period may be lengthened.

No Conversation in Class Room and Auditorium

Where the work is permanently located, and the center has its regular class rooms and auditorium for devotional services, there should be no conversation or general talking in either the class room or the auditorium. If you have a printed program of activities, include in it a statement such as, "Jesus Christ is here, raising us to his consciousness of God's great love." Request that each one meditate upon this thought until the class or service starts. If you do not have a program a neat sign may be printed and put in a conspicuous place. The sign should carry a statement for meditation and a request that silence be maintained. In your reading and reception room there should also be a sign requesting that all persons refrain from talking. If this be not observed, then the person in charge of the work should request silence.

The Name

In selecting the name for your work, choose one that stands for the teaching that you expect to follow, one that identifies you with it. Only those who wish to devote their entire time and attention to the study and the application of Unity principles as set forth under "What to Study," "How to Study," and "Preparation for Leaders" should use the name "Unity" in connection with their classes or centers. Of course each individual should be perfectly free to carry on his ministry as he may be led. However, the center should keep its teaching and ideals entirely consistent with the name it bears. One should not call himself a Unity teacher and teach some other philosophy or phase of Truth; neither should he try to teach Unity under the name of any other organization. When the word "Unity" is used in connection with the name of a center, we suggest that such a name as one of the following be adopted: "Unity Study Class," "Unity Center," "Unity Society." "Unity Study Class" implies a cooperative study of the Unity teachings. We recommend this name in the beginning of all work. The name "Unity Center" or "Unity Society" really applies to a work that has a permanent location, that is open daily for spiritual ministry, and has a number of active workers. Where there is more than one center in a city, or where there are several study classes, a distinction in name can be made by using the location of the center or class; for instance, "Unity South Side Study Class." We recommend always keeping the word "Unity" first in the name, as this is of great assistance in locating a class or center through the telephone directory or city directory. We ask that organizations refrain from using the name "Unity School," because that is a part of the incorporated name of the Kansas City organization and the use of this name leads to confusion. Also centers having a healing department should not use the name "Silent Unity," because this is the healing department of the incorporated school in Kansas City. We suggest that study classes or groups of students should not use the word "circle" in their name, as we find that it is often confusing in the minds of students, to beginners especially, because it has been so long used by spiritualists. Names that suggest a Truth work of a more general nature are: "Truth Center," "Center of Practical Christianity," and "Universal Truth Center." "Practical Christianity" is a name that explains itself, and it establishes identity with the highest Truth ever known to the world.


All Unity center and class work is conducted under the voluntary offering plan. There are several reasons why no set price should be put upon the ministry of one who works with spiritual forces: (1) One who is teaching Truth will be taken care of by Truth according to his faith. (2) Our prayers are answered by God and one cannot put a price on God's work. (3) A teacher who makes a regular charge for his work thus puts that work under the commercial law of compensation. By so doing he fails to look to God for his reward and thereby loses the consciousness of God as his unfailing resource. Every center or class, no matter how small, should teach its members how to use money aright, in order to make practical application of Truth. A center or class can best teach the application of the Truth principle by receiving voluntary offerings and letting the members learn by helping to administer such funds in furthering the work. Every offering should be blessed. This helps to form the habit of recognizing money as a symbol of God's inexhaustible supply, and it trains the mind to recognize that money in itself is not unspiritual but is a medium of exchange. Each one should hold his offering in his hands and the class should repeat together in unison, three times: "Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies you." To bless the offering received, giving thanks to the Father for the symbol of His infinite love and substance, is to recognize its source and to give thanks for the manifestation. To bless anything is to increase its good. Whatever we praise we increase. It is just as essential that students should understand the law of giving and receiving as it is that they should understand a law of health, or any other of God's laws. The giving of oneself to God, whether it be praise, attention, time, gifts, or money represents an opening up in consciousness which enables the student to receive a greater inflow of the blessings of God. "Freely ye received, freely give." If your supply seems insufficient, take an inventory and find where you can give more loving service, instead of asking for contributions. Ask each member of the group to be more loving, more kind; ask all to endeavor to give whole-heartedly to spiritual service, making faithful application of Truth principles. Do not scold your students when they fail to make generous offerings; if you do so you will drive them away. Educate them in appreciation of God as omnipresent supply and render them real service, if you expect to have abundant offerings. Giving is always equal to receiving; so if a person does not give voluntarily you may make up your mind that he has not yet received that which you are trying to teach and your part is to seek fresh ideas or ways to get the understanding to him. This is not a time to turn to social functions for drawing crowds in the hope of increasing your supply. A center should rely on the teaching of Truth to draw its crowds and its supply. Sociability, good feeling, and clean amusements are avenues for the living of Truth, but they should not be depended upon to increase the supply.

Division of Offering

Note: The following plan may help you to avoid misunderstanding and to establish order in the handling of your finances from the beginning of your work. Each class should have a secretary and a treasurer to take care of the offering, even though the offering received is very small. The secretary should count the offering, making record of the amount received, and hand it over to the treasurer, taking a receipt. In this way the secretary's and the treasurer's books would always agree, and there need never be any misunderstanding or confusion in the handling of funds. The division of offerings or the way in which they are used should be worked out in a manner that is agreeable to the members and consistent with Unity principles. We recommend that the offering be divided between the leader and the class fund from the very beginning of every work. Even though it be a small, informal class, the one who acts as leader or is directly responsible incurs some small expense and should be compensated for services rendered. In case the leader should not feel led to accept the offering, it would be her privilege to turn it back to the treasurer. The usual division is fifty per cent of the gross offering to the leader, and fifty per cent to the class.


Requirements for announcement in Weekly Unity under "News of Truth Centers" are as follows: The study class or center must show evidence of permanency; Quarterly Reports must be regularly supplied to the Field Department; a Unity leader or teacher who has completed the Correspondence course and the Methods and Ideals course is to be in charge; and textbooks used are to conform to the Unity ideals and standards. We are glad to give announcements, every two or three months, of the activities of Unity study classes and centers whose work conforms to the foregoing requirements. The centers and classes concerned must send the desired information to the Field Department three weeks in advance of date of issue of the periodical in which the announcement is expected to appear. Example of Announcement of Unity Study Class: Kansas City, Mo.—Unity Study Class, 913 Tracy, meets regularly on Thursday at 2:30 p. m., for the study of Lessons in Truth. (Name of leader.) Example of Announcement of Unity Center: Kansas City, Mo.—Unity Society, 913 Tracy, announces the following named activities: Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., services; 7 p. m., evening services. Tuesday, 8 p. m., class in Lessons in Truth. Wednesday, 8 p. m., class in Christian Healing. Daily except Sunday, silence at 12 noon. Unity literature on sale. (Name of leader.) Occasionally a center wishes to make special announcements to all Unity subscribers in its vicinity. Unity presses are so crowded that we prefer not to print these announcements, but we are glad to cooperate by mailing announcements that the centers have printed, providing the center is actively cooperating with the Field Department and giving a teaching in keeping with the Unity standards. Before having your announcement printed, we suggest you send us a copy for approval. We shall be glad to give our suggestions and to advise as to the number of cards and envelopes that will be required. We should receive the finished announcements two or three weeks prior to the date of meetings, to allow sufficient time for addressing and mailing. The Unity Sales Department will charge for postage and for time required for addressing envelopes or cards.

Healing Group

A healing group is a necessary part of every Truth movement. In the beginning the leader may handle the healing work but a healing group should be formed as soon as the members of the center are ready to serve. Choose these workers according to the standard of their spiritual consciousness and their willingness to serve. The duties of these workers are: Each one should consecrate himself to some definite service, possibly a day or a half day each week in the center, acting as teacher, healer, or spiritual adviser. At 10 o'clock every morning each should hold a silence period for those who have asked for help, and at 12 o'clock observe the noon prosperity silence. Once a week all healers should meet for a healing silence and again to take up all those who have asked their prayers on any problem. Another great benefit which these workers may give is to help eliminate all destructive or idle talk before or after meetings. If any one seems inclined to indulge in idle or destructive talk, any member of this group can be busy in consciousness and through the wisdom which the Father gives him can turn the conversation into constructive channels. The members of the healing group may also serve by going out into the homes where there is need for a teacher or healer.


Unity teachers and leaders are required to make regular reports to the Field Department, at least quarterly, on forms supplied by the Field Department. The reason for having a Field Department is to help those that really wish to measure up to the Unity standards to attain their desire. The Correspondence School Course and the Methods and Ideals Course are necessary steps in this direction. We have found by experience that Unity groups drift when they are left alone, without encouragement or instructions. We have also found that since the centers and classes have been working with us more closely they are giving a better message and they are therefore more successful. We feel that if a center takes the name "Unity," it should try to measure up to the Unity standard, and it can better do so by keeping in close touch with our Field Department. Informal groups that use Unity textbooks and desire to receive the cooperation of Unity Field Department should make short reports of their work every few months. Copies of all announcements and of all printed matter mailed or distributed by the local center should be mailed to the Field Department. We request that you put us on your mailing list so that announcements will reach us promptly and regularly.

The Churches

Remember that the purpose of a Unity center or class is not to draw away from the churches and to set up another organization. A Unity center should recognize that it is at the service of the community in which it exists. The churches are beginning to emphasize more and more the practical side of Christianity, and are asking for Truth workers to meet this need. Any study class or center can become a vital instrument of service to all the churches in its community, if it will. There is nothing in the teachings of Truth that should meet with antagonism. Truth is constructive and is self-evident when rightly presented. As an organ of universal service, the center will thrive; as an organization to promote selfish ambitions and interests, it cannot long endure.

Names of Unity Subscribers not Given Out

Because of the confidential nature of our work, we do not give out names of subscribers to Unity periodicals, unless they have first written us expressing a desire to meet other friends who are interested in Truth. Many subscribers correspond with Silent Unity and other departments, and we assure them that their names and their correspondence are held in strict confidence. When a work becomes established as set forth in other paragraphs of this tract, we are glad to announce class or center meetings to our subscribers through Weekly Unity. In establishing this work your concern should not be about numbers but rather about seeking to prepare yourself and a few friends to render spiritual service. Two or three who have developed a spiritual consciousness will be able to concentrate in prayer and meditation with far greater results than will one hundred who are drawn together through outer efforts. The rich vital atmosphere produced by the gathering together of those who are spiritually quickened to the consciousness of the "Father within" makes the magnet which draws to your meetings those who are ready for Truth.

Have a Standard

It is the duty of every one to be true to his highest concept of Truth. If you are carried about by every wind and wave of doctrine you lose your equilibrium. After a while you find that you are like a ship without a rudder. Loyalty to your highest understanding of Truth gives you steadiness and poise. The loyal, true souls do the worth while work. If you are a teacher and are in confusion of thought from trying to follow every new idea that comes along, your students must necessarily be in confusion. You can safely lead men to the Christ only when your eyes are open to the clear light of Truth. "If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." A well defined ideal held in your own mind, and given to your students, makes your teaching effective. A mixture of ideas with no goal in sight is unsatisfactory both to the teacher and the student. Practical Christianity has a goal: the attainment of the Christ consciousness here and now. Those who find the indwelling Christ will establish upon the earth the kingdom of heaven, which is righteousness, joy, peace, justice, plenty, eternal youth, health, and everything that makes for the happiness of those who by spiritual overcoming have been prepared for eternal life.

Avoid Mixed Teaching

We find that students make the greatest progress in their spiritual unfoldment when they direct their entire attention to one particular line of study. It is necessary that man know the divine law, and concentration upon one standard of teaching helps the student to establish within his consciousness a working knowledge of this law. This law never changes, but the viewpoints of various teachers do change according to their growth in consciousness. God is the law, and it is absolutely necessary that an understanding of this law be revealed to every soul so that he may know for himself and find satisfaction and peace.

Visiting Speakers

Unity teachers and lecturers are sent out under the direction of the Field Department, and we write personal letters to the centers regarding such work, or send announcements direct from Unity headquarters before a series of lectures is given. Before granting itinerant teachers and lecturers permission to use your platform you should communicate with the Unity Field Department if you desire to know their standing with Unity; to permit the use of your platform by those who are not well known to you or to the Field Department is not a safe practice. At a conference of Unity teachers and leaders, the following conclusion was reached with regard to itinerant lecturers: "Itinerant lecturers and teachers should be brought in only when they are thoroughly known, because they frequently do as much harm as good. Visiting speakers can best be supplied, either through the speakers of the Field Department, or through an exchange of platforms by Unity leaders."

Live the Truth

Unity teaches harmony and good will. Unity teaching, rightly applied, promotes harmony and good will in the home, in the neighborhood, and in the business office. When some one says that he has lost his friends because he is a Unity student, something is wrong in his understanding of what Unity teaches. If you continually preach Unity teachings to your friends, but do not improve your own health and behavior by your study of Unity, you cannot expect them to be favorably impressed by your preaching. Think it and live it and prove it, but do not give offense to any one. Actions speak louder than words. If your actions speak Truth—that is, express love and good will —your friends, your neighbors, and your relatives will gladly listen to them. Do not find fault with others because of their spiritual shortcomings. Know the truth for them; be kind to them; encourage them in the right way, but do not dictate to them. Every one must find Truth for himself. We can lead the way to Truth by setting good examples and by giving suggestions when suggestions are wanted. No matter how much, in your judgment, some one needs Truth, it is impossible for you to help him to Truth against his will. Be patient with such a person and trust God to work out the problem. If you are harmonious with your family, your friends, and your neighbors, you will find harmony expressing itself in all your affairs. God is love, and you will know Him as love when you express love toward every living creature. If you find inharmony between yourself and your family on account of Unity, you should begin at once to express more of God's love.

Explanation of Correspondence Course

The Unity Correspondence School began its work in 1909. For years requests had been coming to us for a course of instruction that could be taken by correspondence. One day a letter came from a correspondent in New York, saying, "Please send me your first correspondence lesson in Truth." We did not tell this friend that we had no lessons, not even that we had decided to prepare some. We acted on faith. We made out a typewritten enrollment card and mailed it to her to fill in. While it was traveling to New York and back, the first lesson was written, and by the time the card returned, we had the lesson ready to send. The other lessons were finished as needed. The lessons are arranged in an orderly manner and constitute a thorough study of the science of Being. Some applicants write that they want to be healers, and ask how to attain healing power. True healing is based on understanding, and the aim of these lessons is that you shall come to understand God and your relation to Him so that you shall know how, not simply to alleviate physical suffering, but to bring about and to maintain health, soundness, and perfection in all your relationships. Of course, understanding is the first step only, but it is a very essential one. "With all thy getting get understanding." Understanding about a thing does not solve your problems; you must put your understanding to the test daily through practical application. We explain the principles to you in an understandable manner, but it is your part to enter into realization of the truths taught and to make the practical application. You should begin this application while studying the lesson, so that you shall have a working knowledge of it before you send in your answers to the questions. Answering the questions will not make Truth a part of you, but your daily use of it will. No one can be either a teacher or a healer until he understands the principle with which he is working. The course of lessons should not be entered into with the thought of hurry or with the thought that something from the outside is going to confer the power to teach and to heal. We point you to the way, it is your part to walk therein, to realize the presence and power of the Spirit within you which always does the work. A booklet giving full information as to the subjects of each lesson will be sent to any one, on application to this department.

Explanation of Methods and Ideals Course

This is a course of six lessons dealing with ways and means of building up a successful Truth organization. It teaches the principles of Truth particularly as applied to organization work. The subjects covered in this course are: "Purpose," "Teaching," "Healing," "Cooperation and Ethics," "Finances," and "Miscellaneous." In Part 1, under the subject of "Purpose," are set forth the ideals of a center or class, the reason for such a ministry, and other ideas that give the student a clearer vision of just why a center or class should be formed. Part 2, "Teaching," deals with the subject matter that should be presented in a center or class in order that the purpose may be consistently carried out. Part 3, "Healing," deals with the value of the healing ministry and with the part that this ministry plays in the growth of the organization and of the individual members within the organization. Part 4, "Cooperation and Ethics," deals with the principles of cooperation and the basis upon which individuals may work together harmoniously to fulfill the purposes of the organization. It also takes up the question of moral obligations and relationships between the members of neighboring centers. Part 5, "Finances," deals with methods for financing centers and classes, teachers, and so forth. This lesson gives some of the most helpful methods used by successful centers throughout the country. Part 6, "Miscellaneous," takes up a general discussion of the various points which are of great interest to a leader or a would-be leader of a Truth work. Enrollment in this course is open to any one who has studied the Correspondence School course or is actively engaged in teaching Truth, and will faithfully study and answer the ten or twelve questions that accompany each lesson. Compensation is on the freewill offering plan. All requests or inquiries about this course should be addressed to the Field Department.

Good Words Club

In instances where a group of individuals do not wish to take up a systematic study of the fundamental principles in study class work, we suggest that a Good Words club be formed. An organization of this kind will serve as a fundamental aid in the study and application of Truth; and as the essential conditions are met, the Good Words club may evolve into a study class or a center. Also, as an auxiliary helper, the Good Words club is filling a need in center work. Particulars with regard to organizing and maintaining a Good Words club can be procured from the Central Secretary at Unity headquarters.

Silent Unity

Silent Unity is the department of the Unity School that helps our absent friends through the power of prayer. This department is composed of more than fourscore consecrated workers. Silent Unity is always glad to cooperate in prayer with the leaders and members of Truth centers everywhere. Our Silent Unity workers will pray with you for divine guidance, for right adjustment, for prosperity in the affairs of your center or in your personal affairs. The Silent Unity workers will also be glad to cooperate with center leaders and healers in any cases that require special healing prayers, or whenever the need is felt for the cooperative prayers of a larger body of workers. Please send all requests for spiritual help direct to Silent Unity department, 917 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo.


This is the department of Unity that supplies its members with free literature for distribution. These members may cooperate with centers and classes by giving the literature to friends or to others whom they may meet, inviting them to attend the center or the class. Membership is confined to individuals; we do not enroll centers. It is not possible for us to supply the free literature tables of the many hundred centers. We realize that the work of those centers is benefiting the Unity movement, but we are obliged to request that centers obtain literature for free distribution from the Sales Department instead of from Silent-70. It is customary for members to help us bear the expenses of the department by making occasional offerings, and the amount charged by the Sales Department for these supplies would about equal what the members would send to us in offerings. Special quantity prices will be quoted by the Sales Department. Further information regarding the Silent-70 department will be supplied upon request.

Sunday School

A Sunday school can help to advance the cause of Truth. It is the foundation on which the future of the center is built. By it all the members of the family are drawn into closer unity with one another and with the work of the center. To complete the unity of the individual, the family, the center, and Truth work as a whole, Unity maintains the Sunday school department. This department cooperates with the Sunday schools in the field, supplies new ideas for teaching and holding the children's attention, material for special day programs, and makes suggestions for organization. A copy of the Unity Sunday School Leaflet and the outline in our tract, Unity Sunday Schools, give the preliminary ideas for an organized Sunday school. Unity Sunday School Leaflet affords a most convenient means of giving children the Truth interpretation of the Bible, at the same time following the International Sunday School Lesson. There are a golden text, a lesson thought, and a memory verse for each Sunday, and a Bible picture for coloring. This leaflet also contains a special department for the primary classes, making it a foundation for teaching classes between the ages of four and fourteen. The older classes use the interpretation of the international lessons given in Unity magazine and in Weekly Unity. Kemember—our purpose is not to shut ourselves off and away from the churches, but to help the minds of children everywhere to unfold in the consciousness of Truth. Our interpretation of the Bible lesson may be taught in the home or in connection with the lessons taught in any Sunday school.

Sunday School Helps

Unity Sunday School Leaflet—A weekly publication to give children the metaphysical interpretation of the international Sunday school lessons. Price, 2 cents each; $1 a year. Unity Sunday School Catalog—Gives complete descriptive price list of all Unity Sunday school supplies. Child Unfoldment—A textbook for mothers and teachers. Valuable for use in teacher training classes. Price, $1. Attendance Cards and Stickers—A helpful means of stimulating regular attendance. Several designs at 30 cents a dozen; 3 cents each. Absentee Cards—-Postal cards to mail to members who have been absent several Sundays. 15 cents a dozen; 2 cents each. Sunday School Pin—To be given as a reward for a year's perfect attendance. Price, 50 cents. Promotion Certificates—One for primary department and one for general use. Price, 60 cents a dozen. Certificate of Baptism—Used in spiritual baptism. Price, 60 cents a dozen. Memory Cards—Bible passages and poems for memory work. Price, 1 cent each. Lessons for Young Students—A book of twelve Truth lessons for children in the junior department. Price, 35 cents a copy. Wee Wisdom—May be used as supplementary work for Primary department. $1 a year. Birthday Cards—A variety of cards appropriate for different ages. 3 cents each. New Sunday School Helper—Contains supplementary work for primary classes. Price, 10 cents. Truth A B C—The significance of the alphabet to the Truth child. Price, 5 cents. Affirmation Cards—A series of simple affirmations declaring a knowledge of some attribute of God. Price, 10 cents a dozen; 1 cent each. Enrollment Cards—For keeping attendance records. Price, 10 cents a dozen; 1 cent each. Cradle Roll Cards—A set of two cards, an invitation and an application card, for use in building up the cradle roll department. Price, 3 cents a set (2 in set), 30 cents for twelve sets. Youth (magazine)—Supplementary to young people's Bible lesson. $1 a year. Sunday School Song Leaflets—A Sunday school song, and offering and closing songs. Price, 10 cents a dozen; 1 cent each. New Unity Testament—Price, 50 cents.

Handling Unity Literature

Those who desire to purchase Unity books, booklets, magazines, mottoes and so forth, for resale or for use in their classes should communicate direct with-Unity Sales Department, 917 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo. Full information about Unity publications and the discounts on them will be given gladly by that department.

Listing in Unity Magazine

Particulars regarding the requirements necessary for listing in Unity magazine in the columns, "Where Unity Publications are Sold" may be had by inquiry to Unity Sales Department.

Other Pamphlets

For further information about various phases of the Field work, ask for any of the following literature. It will be cheerfully sent, free.

  • About the Correspondence School Course.
  • Descriptive Circular about Methods and Ideals Course
  • How to Organize and Conduct Unity Sunday Schools
  • Ministry of Unity School
  • Organization of Men's Clubs
  • Qualifications of a Spiritual Teacher
  • To Those Who Aspire to be Field Lecturers
  • Unity Service Bulletin
  • What You Are Doing Through Your Support


By H. Emilie Cady The official Unity textbook for beginners. It clearly explains fundamental truths of Unity's teachings. It helps one to understand what is meant by practical Christianity. Virtually all Unity study classes use it as a basis for their study because it presents Truth in such a simple way. Question Helps has been included as a part of the book, for the convenience of the Truth student. Cloth, $1; deluxe, $3.


By Charles Fillmore A textbook on practical Christianity and metaphysical healing. It explains the laws and principles by which Jesus Christ did His healing work. It is the first book ever published that gives the relation of the twelve disciples of Jesus to the twelve faculties of the mind. It lifts one to that spiritual consciousness wherein he can demonstrate Truth. Paper, $.75; cloth, $1.50; deluxe, $3.


By H. Emilie Cady This book is a collection of metaphysical articles by the author of Lessons in Truth. It is written in Miss Cady's characteristic style, in simple language, and is adaptable to study class work. Paper, $.75; paper, pocket size, $.75; cloth, $1.50; deluxe, $3.


Unity Service Bulletin is a monthly publication which is issued in the interest of Unity centers, study classes, and dealers everywhere. Page four of this paper is devoted particularly to news and to ideas for the consideration of teachers and leaders, and for those who are preparing to carry on a Truth ministry. Unity Service Bulletin is circulated free of charge.


A collection of lessons by Charles Fillmore This book contains the supplementary lessons that formerly followed the twelve main lessons in Christian Healing. Other articles by Charles Fillmore, formerly published as separate booklets, have been added. This is an excellent book for advanced Truth study. Its lessons logically follow those in Lessons in Truth and Christian Healing and are a necessary part of a well balanced course of study in metaphysics and mental healing. Question Helps, in the back of the book, is a valuable aid in bringing out the important points of each chapter. Published in paper cover only. Price, $.75. ________________________

Preceding Entry: Unity Correspondence School Directions for Students
Following Entry: 1. Prayer