Mission, Vision, Strategy and Funding
The mission of TruthUnity Ministries is to engage culture in the digital age, cultivating awareness, practice and commitment to the metaphysical teachings of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore.
We envision a fellowship of people who proclaim and promote metaphysical Christianity as an authentic and distinct expression of the historic Christian faith—an educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ.
Our strategy for engaging culture is:
To carry on the work of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in bringing the insights of metaphysical Christianity to the churches. The Fillmores believed that congregants in the churches would read their articles, apply Emily Cady’s Lessons in Truth, and take what they learned back to their home church. They saw themselves as participants in “the educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ.” Given the nearly 3 billion people who identify as Christian and the declining membership in Christian churches, I believe the Fillmore teachings have much to offer. My job is to carry on the work of the Fillmores.
To teach a spiritual pathway with four steps: to be raised up, inspired, made whole, and returned home. I begin my prayers, “Jesus Christ is here now, raising me up to that place where the Holy Spirit pours out its inspiration me.” Raised up and inspired needs no elaboration. They are our affirmation of Oneness: unity with God. I conclude my prayers, “I am metaphysically made whole and I return to my home.” These terms need some elaboration. First, being made whole is wholeness; it is not oneness. Oneness is unity with God, which is affirmed in the opening sentence. Wholeness is an internal unity of body, soul and spirit, aligned with God. When we are unified internally and aligned with God, we become metaphysically whole. No prayer nor any spiritual pathway is complete without a metaphysical realization of wholeness. This leaves us with the task of returning home.
Ultimately, to return metaphysically-healed people home: to their family, friends and faith community. John Shelby Spong visited Unity Village in 2008. He said, “You have a lot of broken people that come into Unity to be healed. They might not stay. They might get healed and go back home. And that will happen. You ought to rejoice in that. That’s a part of your ministry....” I get no greater joy than when an email comes in saying, “Mark, I’ve returned to my Catholic faith. I am thankful for my time in Unity. It has allowed me to see my upbringing in a new way.” Friends, this is my story as well. I came into Unity skeptical and cynical. The Fillmore teachings provided a way forward, gave me back the Gospel, and enabled me to return home, to the mainstream Christian church.
How we fund this ministry. We rely on the spiritual Principle of Giving and Receiving for our support. Click here to see our financial reporting or to donate to TruthUnity Ministries.
Many blessings,

Rev. Mark Hicks
Founder, TruthUnity Ministries
February 9, 2025