If Unity is about anything, it is about the spiritualization of the material world. It is about going to places where by all appearances God is not recognized and not heard, and, when we get there, speaking truth to power. Moses went Pharaoh, Jesus went to the Temple, Paul went to the Emperor. If we really want to be spiritual, we must also go to the heart of where God needs to be heard. That place today is Washington DC. And, like Moses, Jesus and Paul, we need to go there and deliver God's message that health and prosperity for all is possible and that no one needs to be hungry.

Over 40 years ago, in October 1975, I wrote my first Bread for the World letter. This issue was Biafra and my senator was Ted Kennedy. Bread had been recently organized by a group of Christian church leaders who had a goal of eliminating hunger at home and throughout the world.
The picture you see here was taken 18 years later when Stephanie and I visited our member of Congress in his Washington DC office about better nutrition for women, infants and children. Later that year her entire 3rd grade class learned about the power of the word when they wrote letters about a variety of issues to this same guy. He responded as favorably as he could to each child's letter, affirming the sincerity of their intent, regardless of politics.
I would be grateful for the companionship of anyone who would like to parter with me and Bread for the World to help convince Washington leadership to do what's right for people struggling with hunger and poverty. In the menu to the left you will see the values that drive this desire in me. I hope they resonate with you. In time I will be adding vision and mission statements and, hopefully, news and updates about the progress we make together to alleviate hunger.
Looking back from 40 years I've learned that Power respects Truth; I've learned that prayer and gratitude can open the heart of anyone; I've learned that a spoken affirmation is the most effective means of getting anyone to do anything and I've learned that advocacy for someone in need may be the most compassionate human action we will ever do.