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Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 8

Series 1 - Lesson 5 - Annotation 8

What is it that man is to overcome?

8. The aspiration to become Christ conscious, to know the truth of one's self, causes one to become sensitive to Spirit. In projecting affirmations of Truth into his consciousness man stirs up the entire subconsciousness, the relative good and the relative evil. He may find himself in the midst of experiences that are not harmonious. By noticing his reactions to the conditions and happenings of daily life he will be shown his field of overcoming. If he is overwhelmed by difficulties, jarred by discords, disheartened by failures, out of sympathy with others, he will by asking Spirit learn what mountains of error must be removed to make straight the way of the Lord. As he studies the principles of Truth and grows in understanding he gains a high standard of living. His ear must be trained to hear the inner voice so that he may note the subtle discriminations of Truth. When so trained, whatever is contrary to Spirit will strike a false note to his ears; therefore he should ever be alert to his ideals. Man is to overcome all that is unlike God, Good, in his consciousness, body, and world of affairs—all thoughts, fears, feelings, concepts, beliefs, actions, and appearances that do not measure up to the standard of the Christ perfection and order. Spirit will not only reveal to him what he has to overcome but will also show him how to overcome through the forgiving love of Jesus Christ, which is able to redeem the errors of his mind and make him Christlike.

Preceding Entry: What is overcoming?
Following Entry: Explain the teaching that all men are sinners in Adam and righteous in Christ.