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Series 2 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 19

Series 2 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 19

Explain how our bodies are transformed.

19. First we relieve the body of our former beliefs that it is merely of fleshly origin, that it is limited in any sense of the word. Study of spiritual principles reveals the body to be in reality the temple of God — God's life, substance, and intelligence in manifestation.

"The body is the meeting place of the life and substance attributes of Being, consequently body is an important factor in consciousness. Body is not matter; it is substance and life in expression" (TALKS ON TRUTH 158).

When denial has erased our misconception about the body, then we can accept the truth about it, namely that it is an instrument of Spirit, an ideal form based on a divine body-idea in Divine Mind. We perceive the body to be the manifestation of the God nature in the exterior world. We come to know it as an expression of the organizing power of divine love (the attracting, unifying power) united with wisdom. This revelation or vision of the body will redeem it from the belief that it is of animal origin, giving it its rightful place as a vehicle for God's life, light, and love. Affirmation, silent or audible, of the truth about the body gives us a more reverent regard for it and the bodies of all persons. "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind" (Rom. 12:2).

It is through our affirmation of the living Word of Truth that thoughts of life, light, and love are impressed on every cell of our body, and it is thus "saved" from corruption and death and transformed into the "body of Christ." In the work that is done regarding transformation of the body, both the conscious and subconscious phases of mind must be trained, as the lesson material points out.

Preceding Entry: What is meant by "asking in His name"?
Following Entry: Give in your own words five affirmations for the realization of the indwelling Christ.