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Series 2 - Lesson 4 - Annotation 8

Series 2 - Lesson 4 - Annotation 8

What does the "heart," as the term is used in the Scriptures, represent?

8. The "heart," as used here, represents the subconscious phase of mind, the feeling nature, the storehouse of memory and experience. The heart of anything is the part nearest the center, the more essential part of any body system — the place where life activity is carried on. "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7 A.V.) may be interpreted, "As a man believes in his heart or subconscious, so does he live or experience." The subconscious holds the memory of the sensations and the responses made as feelings, to conditions that were presented and through which the body passed as experiences on the evolutionary path. The sum of man's feelings in regard to these experiences constitutes his emotional nature. If the heart is filled with unhappy memories of lack, sin, sickness, sorrow, and death that he has passed through in connection with those near and dear to him, these beliefs harbored in the subconscious will act as causes to reproduce like experiences again and again until they are cleansed from consciousness.

Preceding Entry: How may one take conscious control of the involuntary functions?
Following Entry: From what source have many of the subconscious thought currents come?