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The Bright Side Podcast with Bernard Dozier

Episode 12—What It Means To Bless

Bernard Dozier The Bright Side blog and podcast

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What It Means to Bless

By Bernard Dozier

Everytime we sneeze someone says, "God bless you!"

We don't know for sure how that got started but we've been saying it for thousands of years.

"Bless you!" is a common expression. "Be blest," and "Have a blessed day!" benedictions that we hear on a daily basis, but we might have to go to the dictionary to find out that bless means to confer or invoke God's favor.

So, let's think a little deeper about what it means to bless and how we can do more of it.

Here's a "starter list" to prompt our thought:

"God bless you!" imparts God's presence, power, and goodness.
"God bless you!" conveys good will... and wishes for good success.
"God bless you!" opens pathways of peace and prosperity.
"God bless you!" establishes light, wisdom, and divine guidance.
"God bless you!" brings healing and restores perfection.
"God bless you!" surrounds with power and protection.
"God bless you!" releases any sense of bondage and limitation.
"God bless you!" paves the way to great joy.
"God bless you!" makes everything right and good.
"God bless you!" presents new potential and opportunity.
"God bless you!" multiplies strength, energy, and vitality.
"God bless you!" removes obstacles, barriers, and impediments.
"God bless you!" turns stumbling stones into stepping stones.
"God bless you!" dissolves anxieties, doubts, and fears.
"God bless you!" prepares us for life's next major event.
"God bless you!" lets us add our benediction to God's Good Way.