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Metaphysical meaning of Gur-baal (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Gur-baal (mbd)
Gur-baal, gûr-ba'-al (Heb.)--sojourn of Baal; dwelling of Baal; abode of Baal.

A dwelling place of the Arabians who came under subjection to Uzziah, king of Judah (II Chron. 26:7).

Meta. A place in consciousness, or a state of consciousness, that had been given over to Baal, to material beliefs and worship. But the substance of these material beliefs and thoughts is now being used to uphold and sustain that in consciousness for which Uzziah stands, Jehovah is my strength. The Arabians that dwelt at Gur-baal were subject to Uzziah; "God helped him against" them.________________________
Preceding Entry: Gur