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Lessons In Truth - Lesson 7 - Annotation 9

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 7 - Annotation 9

What is meant by the "still small voice" (I Kings 19:12)?

9. The "still small voice" might best be defined as the voice of God, the Holy Spirit, speaking to our soul as intuition (dealt with Lessons in Truth Lesson 6 Annotation 4). It is a "knowing" that comes from Spirit within and is not an audible voice but the activity of the Holy Spirit revealing Truth to our consciousness. Like Elijah we sometimes expect the voice of God to speak to us in some tumultuous or miraculous way -- the rushing wind, the earthquake, the fire. We are surprised when we really become still and listen, for the "still small voice" is not a voice at all, but it speaks more clearly and directly to us than a voice. The "still small voice" is inward knowing; it is light; it is inspiration; it is that in us which lifts us up in consciousness and guides us in our choice of that which is right and good. The "still small voice" is that in us which says "I AM and fills us with a sense of joy and peace.

While the "still small voice" is not audible to the physical ears, we become acutely aware of it in our consciousness. It may "speak" as an idea, an impression, an inspiration, a feeling, or just a sense of well-being. It is the indwelling Spirit of God, the Christ, the I AM, seeking to "voice" itself, to fulfill itself, in and through us.

When does the "still small voice" speak to us? It has spoken to us when we feel inspired to think on divine ideas, moved to do a kind deed, urged to express love, compassion, and understanding. The "voice" has spoken to us when we are exercising wisdom and good judgment in our experiences; when we are led to do the right thing in any situation. When we feel the surge of life and power, we may be sure that God is "speaking" to us as the voice of love, wisdom, faith, life, and power.

How are we to develop receptivity to the "still small voice"? Through periods of prayer we harmonize ourselves with all that is constructive and uplifting, and it becomes natural for us to listen to the "still small voice" of intuition. God "speaks" to each of us in a language that we understand and that will meet the specific need of the moment. On one occasion we may be in quiet surroundings, without interruption of any kind, and we will hear God's voice as the words of a beloved hymn or poem, as words of Scripture. At another time, we may not seem to be praying but when our heart is turned God-ward for an answer to a problem, or for guidance in making a decision, the voice of God will come clear and sure indicating a definite step we are to take. Then again, the voice of God may leave us with that deep conviction that comes from understanding faith, assuring us that God is in charge and all is well.

Preceding Entry: Should we ever feel afraid in the presence of a truly great person?
Following Entry: Are you necessary to God? Explain.