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Charles Fillmore's Two Options

Mark Hicks

Hi Friends —

Imagine yourself as Charles Fillmore in the later years of his life. At some point he became aware that his life-long dream of regneration was not going to happen. Myrtle had passed and he was declining physically, although he still sizzled with enthusiasm.

He had two options. One was to lower his expectations—to settle for "spiritual growth" or overcoming the ego, becoming a more loving and forgiving person and accepting with nonresistance whatever life had in store for him. The other option was to extend the time frame of regeneration from one lifetime to several lifetimes—via reincarnation.

To do that, Charles Fillmore would have to change his Christology. If it would take Charles several lifetimes to accomplish regeneration, then it must have taken his Wayshower, Jesus Christ, several lifetimes as well. And that is exactly what Charles Fillmore came to understand.

Three resources that are provided here—correspondence with Georgiana Tree West from 1936, nativity commentaries from 1947, and an Ed Rabel video clip from 1992—indicate that Charles Fillmore came to understand that,

"the Soul that incarnated in Jesus had attained the glory of the Son of God consciousness aeons of ages previously in another universe evolution, in which He had attained creative power."

Mr. Fillmore's teachings have now shifted our Christmas focus from the comfortable world of Nativity scenes—angels, shepherds, stars and wise-men—to a science fiction-like "aeons of ages" in a completely other-worldly universe.

That may be too much for many people, especially those who have lowered their expectations of spiritual growth from overcoming death to overcoming the ego. There is nothing wrong with expecting to be free from ego constraints, but why stop there? If we, like Charles Fillmore, can imagine a process by which we truly overcome human limitations then it just may be that we will achieve truly super-human things in this lifetime.

Until Charles Darwin came along, no one really understood how life got to be what it is—diverse, complex, powerful and creative. Charles Darwin helped us see that what we are today came from small, incremental changes over aeons of time. And we have advanced in unimagined ways in less than 200 years. In a similar way, Charles Fillmore has come along to help us understand that our lives can be transformed from everyday human struggle into unimaginable magnificence—also by small, incremental changes over aeons of time.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Mark Hicks
November 26, 2017