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Grace Prayer

For thee I thirst.
Into thy hands I commit my spirit
(my soul, my body, my life, this problem, all unforgiven states).
thy will is my will.
thy will be done through me.
Heal me at depth.
Reveal that which needs to be revealed.
Heal that which needs to be healed
so I can glorify You, God,
and live in the fullness of grace.
It is finished.

Grace Prayer Explained

The grace prayer is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ that were expressed in the garden of Gethsemane and on the Cross. These teachings emphasize states of consciousness that must be transformed by the activity of God's grace.

The prayer could be called, "The Surrender Prayer." Its purpose is to bring you into total surrender to the power of God within to heal and transform consciousness into the awareness of Christ consciousness. There are two lines in this prayer that we feel need additional explanation:

1. "Heal me at depth."

This statement indicates your willingness to be healed and transformed at the deep subjective or subconscious level of mind. You are asking for God to be revealed in all the memories and perceptions of reality that your soul has accumulated in its many incarnations.

2. "Reveal that which needs to be revealed."

This states your willingness to become fully conscious of any memories or perceptions of reality that need to be known by you for whatever purpose God deems necessary for your continued unfolding into Christ consciousness. This statement also indicates that you do not insist on knowing everything in your consciousness that has been the cause of your pain and suffering or your misperception. This statement relieves you from even exchange demands.

NOTE: These statements express the meaning of the words from Jesus, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

NOTE: As you continue to work with this prayer, you will come to understand the ultimate grace teaching: There is nothing to be healed, only God to be revealed!