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Question Helps For Students of The Twelve Powers of Man

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The Twelve Powers Of Man
Chapter One
  1. What do Jesus' Twelve Apostles represent in man's spiritual ongoing?
  2. What is symbolized by the first and Second Coming of Christ, as spoken of in the Scriptures?
  3. How may the Twelve Apostles be likened to the heads of departments in an industrial plant?
  4. What does Jesus represent in man's consciousness?
  5. Name each apostle and the corresponding faculty represented.
  6. Why was Peter (faith) called the first apostle?
  7. Explain how a center may be baptized by the word of Spirit and given a new power.
  8. Why does the intellect deny that man can have knowledge of God?
  9. How should the twelve powers of man be developed and expressed?
The Development Of Faith
Chapter Two
  1. What does Abraham represent in man's consciousness?
  2. Why must this faculty be abiding?
  3. Why is faith put to a test?
  4. Give the symbology represented by Abraham's offering of his son Isaac.
  5. Explain the law of giving and receiving.
  6. What is symbolized by the "upper room" to which the Holy Spirit comes?
  7. What is the difference between the prayer of supplication and the affirmative prayer?

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  1. What are the two attitudes of faith that are brought out? Explain.
  2. Who was the first and greatest apostle of Jesus?
  3. What does his name mean?
  4. Why was his name changed after he became Jesus' apostle?
  5. What is the difference between trust and real faith?
  6. Why is the spoken word formative, but not always creative?
  7. Where is the faith center in the body of man? How is it quickened?
  8. What is the significance of a change of mind?
  9. Explain how Jesus accomplished the mighty works credited to Him.
Chapter Three
  1. Which one of Jesus' apostles symbolized strength in man's consciousness?
  2. Wherein is the source of all things?
  3. Why is man greater than all other expressions of Divine Mind?
  4. What is the difference between the Jehovah man and the Adam man?
  5. Explain God's creation of man as "male and female."
  6. What does the "strong man fully armed," referred to by Jesus, represent in the natural man?
  7. What does it represent in the regenerate man?
  8. Explain the symbology brought out by the story of David and Goliath.
  9. What does Samson symbolize in man's consciousness?
  10. Explain the symbology of his being robbed of his hair by Delilah.

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  1. Why should man conserve the vital essence of his body?
  2. Explain how one may renew the body through using the various brain centers.
  3. How does creative law affect man's development?
  4. Explain man's growth in consciousness through evolution.
  5. Why is the Word of God likened unto a seed?
  6. Why is Jesus Christ the Great Teacher?
Chapter Four
  1. What are the twelve powers of man?
  2. Where is the wisdom center in man's consciousness?
  3. Name some attributes of wisdom.
  4. Is knowledge of the negative side of good necessary to man's unfoldment?
  5. Explain some of the functions of the solar plexus, and name its presiding ego.
  6. What is man's first step in the regeneration?
  7. Where is this step referred to in Scripture symbology?
  8. How do we "call a disciple"? Give an example.
  9. What is Christ?
  10. Explain the lawful method of entering the kingdom of God.
  11. Can man escape divine judgment? Why?
  12. What part does spiritual judgment play in the working out of man's salvation?
  13. Why are Peter, James, and John mentioned more than the other apostles?
  14. Why was Andrew also among the first-called?

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Regenerating Love
Chapter Five
  1. Explain how man may use his creative forces in co-operation with the creative law.
  2. What are the "sons of God" in Scripture symbology?
  3. How do we know that Being is masculine and feminine?
  4. What is the name and nature of God's most beautiful "daughter"?
  5. Name some virtues and vices of mother love.
  6. Explain love in its role of "gravity."
  7. Is love ever a source of misery? Explain.
  8. Give a remedy for divorce.
  9. What do Adam, Eve, and the serpent symbolize in the individual?
  10. Give the metaphysical explanation of Adam and Eve's eating of the fruit of the tree of the "knowledge of good and evil."
  11. What place has love in the regeneration of man?
  12. By what means can woman help to lift up man and free him from sense bondage?
  13. Will incarnation cease when love is lifted up?
  14. What was Jesus' mission on earth?
  15. Where is the throne of love in man's spiritual body?
  16. Who, among Jesus' apostles, personified love?
  17. Give an original illustration of how unselfish love may be unfolded.
  18. Should one employ force or suppression in soul unfoldment? Why?

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Chapter Six
  1. What is essential to the realization and demonstration of spiritual power?
  2. Over what should man exercise his divine birthright of power?
  3. Locate the throne of power in man's body consciousness, and tell what apostle represents power.
  4. What effect has development of power on the voice?
  5. How and to what extent are one's words imbued with power?
  6. Can we overcome the belief in limited or declining power? How?
  7. Should man develop power before he overthrows carnal selfishness in himself? Why?
  8. How can we distinguish between right and wrong in the use of our power?
  9. What is the key to the exercising of dominion successfully in the material world and the restoring of equilibrium between Spirit and matter?
  10. What rule did Jesus lay down as the basis of world peace and prosperity?
  11. When will the "new heaven and ... new earth" appear?
  12. What is involved in overcoming the world, the flesh, the Devil, and even death?
  13. What is the Devil?
  14. Give the metaphysical interpretation of the Crucifixion.
  15. What is the acme of man's power and dominion?

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The Work Of The Imagination In Regeneration
Chapter Seven
  1. What is the imagination?
  2. Which apostle represents the imagination?
  3. Within man what office has the imaging faculty?
  4. Why were Jesus' ideas so powerful and enduring?
  5. What is the key to the interpretation of symbols?
  6. What determines the character of soul and body?
  7. Do dreams and visions play an important part in man's soul development? Explain why, and give Scripture examples.
  8. Interpret spiritually Peter's vision, which is described in the 10th chapter of Acts.
  9. What does man's body represent? Explain why.
  10. Why do individuals and nations sometimes revert from culture to savagery?
  11. How should man handle the animal propensities in himself?
  12. Does the fact that animals are good in their rightful place justify man's using them for food? Why?
  13. How was the original creation given character and form?
  14. What, potentially, are animals?
  15. When will animals cease to be in the objective?
Chapter Eight
  1. Do wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and intelligence all mean the same thing?
  2. Explain the two great realms of mind.
  3. Was Jesus scientific in His teaching?

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  1. What faculty of mind is given first place by those who have spiritual discernment?
  2. What phase of mind comes first in soul development?
  3. What does Solomon stand for?
  4. What did the Lord also give unto Solomon because He was so well pleased with him?
  5. What part does the heart play in soul unfoldment?
  6. Why do we have to be careful in distinguishing between true inspiration and our intellectual reasoning?
  7. What does John the Baptist stand for in man's consciousness?
  8. Who did Jesus say John the Baptist had been?
  9. What takes place in man when he gives himself wholly unto the Lord?
  10. Explain the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus.
  11. How does this relationship apply to man's consciousness?
  12. What is the greatest of all the powers of man?
  13. Do all the faculties enter into the regeneration of man?
  14. Does man have the privilege of attaining eternal life?
The Will Is The Man
Chapter Nine
  1. What faculty of mind is the motive power for all the other faculties?
  2. What other faculty is most closely related to it?
  3. What part does the imagination play in the development of the soul?
  4. Why has man been given free will?
  5. What is the work of the solar plexus?

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  1. How do the will and the understanding conflict in the expression of the spiritual life?
  2. What causes hardening of the arteries?
  3. Where does "motive" come in?
  4. Explain what is meant by man's partaking of the knowledge of good and evil.
  5. What does Jesus represent in soul development?
  6. How does the Christ discipline His apostles (faculties)?
  7. Explain how the will is often allowed to become destructive.
  8. What is the will of Divine Mind for man as regards his actions?
  9. Explain why a person should be positive in submitting his will to the authority of God instead of doing so in a negative way.
  10. With what power and authority did Jesus endow His disciples to go forth and preach?
  11. Does God's will for man change?
  12. Why do sin, sickness, suffering, and death come into man's life?
  13. Should a person submit his will to the control of another? Explain.
  14. How should a person make his affirmations?
  15. Give the words of Jesus that may be used as an affirmation in bringing about relaxation, peace, and harmony.
Spiritual Law And Order
Chapter Ten
  1. For what did Jesus denounce the scribes and Pharisees?
  2. Should teachers or leaders frame rules of thought and action for their members? Why?

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  1. What did Jesus lay down as the only safe foundation for all religious work?
  2. Why did Jesus break the Mosaic law?
  3. What does the Sabbath day stand for in man's consciousness?
  4. Explain why Jesus said that He came not to break the law, but to fulfill it.
  5. Why must man erase from his mind all authority and tradition of other men in order to fulfill God's will for him?
  6. What place have sacred writings in man's life?
  7. What is the only authority?
  8. Shall we leave our fellows free to worship God as they see fit, and to what extent do we co-operate with them?
  9. Where does man find real communion with the Father?
  10. What part does Jesus, the "only begotten Son" of God, play in man's unfoldment?
  11. What does Moses' fleeing to the wilderness represent in man's consciousness? Explain.
  12. What gives our words and thoughts power to accomplish that whereto they are sent?
  13. What forces do Moses and Pharaoh represent? Explain.
  14. Explain the place of denial and affirmation in man's growth.
Chapter Eleven
  1. What is the function of the ego in forming mental states of consciousness? Explain.
  2. What is zeal?
  3. Can the divine law be broken? Explain.

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  1. Should one suppress the impulse of zeal that wells up in consciousness?
  2. Why is it necessary for zeal to be tempered with wisdom?
  3. How do one's different combinations of thoughts affect soul and body?
  4. What is the meaning of the name "Simon Peter"? What is the meaning of the name "Simon, the Cananaean"?
  5. Explain how the vitamins in the food that we eat are stored up in body consciousness and liberated.
  6. Has zeal any part to play in one's becoming a genius along any line of endeavor?
  7. Explain Jesus' words, "The very hairs of your head are numbered."
  8. Explain Emerson's words, "Be not deceived by dimples and curls; that child is a thousand years old."
  9. How do you account for Mozart's wonderful ability to play the organ without instruction at the age of four years?
  10. Where does the zeal center have its throne of dominion?
Chapter Twelve
  1. What is the first step in experiencing conversion?
  2. Explain the effect of a change of mind on the body organism.
  3. In the process of body renewal, where does renunciation come in?
  4. How does the metaphysician arrive at his conclusions concerning mind action?
  5. State one big fundamental truth brought out in the study of mind.
  6. Explain the distinction between the realm of ideas and the realm of thought.

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  1. Explain how thoughts are assimilated by the mind.
  2. How does the mind act on the body?
  3. Why should wisdom be exercised in the control of the mind?
  4. Should man be given his freedom? Explain.
  5. How are traits of mind and body handed down from generation to generation?
  6. How are these dissolved in memory?
  7. Explain medical science's method of combating disease germs.
  8. Why has it failed?
  9. What is the one healing power? Explain its action.
  10. Describe the work of Thaddaeus.
  11. What is the cause of constipation? of tumors? of the slowing down of the life forces?
  12. What is the cause of adenoids? of inflamed tonsils? of sinus trouble?
  13. How may these ills be avoided?
Generative Life
Chapter Thirteen
  1. What is the life energy?
  2. Is life intelligence? Explain.
  3. Why is the life ego called the "adversary"?
  4. Why are sensation and generation necessary to man's character? Explain.
  5. What is the Son of man?
  6. What does the Garden of Eden symbolize?
  7. On what does the bringing forth of the ideal man depend?
  8. What three factors enter into every consciousness?
  9. What is the Lamb of God? Explain.
  10. What is symbolized by the "river of water of life"?

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  1. Wherein comes the danger in experiencing this holy stream of life?
  2. How are bodily sensations lawfully experienced? Explain.
  3. Why is it necessary to cleanse this pure stream of life in its flow outward?
  4. Explain: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up."
  5. Explain sensation's being a divine creation.
  6. How is all intemperance overcome?
  7. Explain your being "dead through your trespasses and sins."