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Why Not Be Rich? by Martha Giudici

Lesson One — Why Not Be Rich?

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Martha's opening lesson in this prosperity program should have been named "Dare to Prosper Now!" The reason we do not prosper, according to Martha, is not because life is difficult and not because God does not want us to prosper. Rather, we do not prosper because we do not dare to prosper. In this talk, Martha helps identify the many ways we avoid daring to prosper, setting us up for the next lesson in which we remove those self-imposed roadblocks. So this lesson is the first of two that help us prepare for prosperity.


Lesson 1 Bulletin

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001 Lesson 1 Introduction

The series of lessons that you're about to listen to was presented during the 9:30 service at the Unity Village Chapel, Unity Village, Missouri. The series was taped live so that each of you could experience the material and the atmosphere in which it was presented. Each lesson was preceded by a time of singing prosperity songs to set a mood of positive receptivity. The songs are copyrighted and could not be included in the tapes. The songs were followed by strong, positive, affirmative statements that declare the truth about God's desire that all of His creation prosper abundantly.

There are six lessons in the series. Lesson 1: “Why Not Be Rich?” Lesson 2: “Out Go the Blocks.” Lesson 3: “To Have or Have Not.” Lesson 4: “Money Grows on Trees.” Lesson 5: “Prosperity’s Genie.” Lesson 6: “The Constant Flow.” Each lesson stands alone, yet forms an essential part of a progress of ideas that will help you develop a consciousness that will enable you to obtain prosperity in whatever way prospers you the most. That is, peace of mind, health of body, love and harmony in your relationships with people, and, most assuredly, financial and material good to meet your every need.

You will find copies of the handouts-out referred to in the tapes in the pocket of your album. Each handout indicates on it the tape that it is to be used with. The powerful prospering declarations are used with all tapes. This is Martha Giudici, and I invite you to join with us as we begin this exciting series. As a tape begins, you will find that we are in the midst of declaring our prosperity affirmations. We have just finished affirming the great truth,

Prosperity is spiritual—spirituality prospers.

Join now as we begin our journey toward a rich, prosperous life.

002 Prospering declarations

“It is my Father’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom of all good.” It is my Father's good pleasure to give me the kingdom of all good. Together?

It is my Father's good pleasure to give me the kingdom of all good.

Catherine Ponder Unity Minister
Dr. Catherine Ponder

And another one that I love that comes from Catherine Ponder is “I am the rich child of a loving Father, and I dare to prosper now. I'm the rich child of a loving Father, and I dare to prosper now.” Together.

I am the rich child of a loving Father, and I dare to prosper now.

That’s a great statement, that “now consciousness.” And another one that is very, very important to us to know is that “God is the source of a mighty stream of substance. I am its channel of expression.” Together.

God is the source of a mighty stream of substance. I am its channel of expression.

And that's another great truth that we're going to know more and more about. Another one that we'll be using, and we find the ideas in, is “I am prepared for unlimited increase of good now.” I am prepared for unlimited increase of good now. Together?

I am prepared for unlimited increase of good now.

When? Now! When? Now!! When? Now!!!

That's it, that's better. “Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.” Together?

Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.

When? Now!

Oh, you're getting better. You're really getting good, and that's important.

003 God has provided abundantly for all creation

Summary: The father has provided abundantly for all his creation. “In my father’s pants are many pockets.

Sue Sikking Unity Minister
Dr. Sue Sikking

This morning, we’re going to talk about a few of these ideas about prosperity, and how we can prosper. When I was a student in training, minister in training, we often had different leaders from around the Unity movement come and speak to us, and one of the speakers that came one time was Dr. Sue Sikking. Many of you know Dr. Sue, and Dr. Sue is a very vibrant, alive person, and she was speaking to us about the prospering idea, and about the fact that God had created an abundant universe. And then she began to use some Scripture, and she began to talk about “In my Father’s house there are many mansions,” and she began to talk about this universe that goes everywhere, and that there’s a prosperity everywhere in the universe in these many mansions, because when we think of mansions, we think of the abundance of God.

Well, after she had spoken about the many mansions, she began to talk about prosperity in a little bit more practical way, and then she converted or translated that statement into another one, which I’ve never forgotten, because it created an image in my mind which is of great prosperity, and she said, “In my Father’s pants there are many pockets, and they’re full to overflowing with good.” So get that image in your mind:

In my Father’s pants there are many pockets, and they’re filled to overflowing with good.

It seems a little bit ludicrous, but by the same token, once you get that image, that there is this idea of prosperity that the Father has provided abundantly, has provided abundantly for all of His creation.

004 Prosperity is spiritual and spirituality prospers

Summary: Prosperity is spiritual. “Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. Matthew 25:31-46. How do we inherit something? We claim it. Prosperity is a free flow of good. The more spiritual you are, the more you will experience the free flow of good in your life.

A lot of people have gotten the idea that prosperity is not spiritual. There are a few passages in the Bible that have been misinterpreted over the years, and have been the basis of an idea that you weren't supposed to be prosperous. One of them is the story of the rich young ruler. The rich young ruler was asked to give up everything to follow Jesus, but Jesus was trying to prove to the rich young ruler that he was attached to his good. He never asked his disciples to give up their boats, their fishing business; they had it for many years. But he did want to teach them that they should not be attached to their possessions; in other words, not to be possessed by their possessions.

Prosperity is spiritual. Prosperity is spiritual, and the more spiritual you are, the more you prosper, the more you prosper. You do not have to have an accumulation of outer things to be prosperous, but you do have to have access to, and the free flow of, good in your life to be experiencing prosperity. That's what true prosperity is—when you have the things that you need, at the time you need them, in the right way, and in the right place, that you can have everything you need, and you are prospering in every way.

Jesus, our Way Shower, gave us a great message, a great prosperity message, when he said, “Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:34). Can you get an image of that? Can you get an image of a kingdom that has been prepared for each and every one of us, that is accessible to us, that is rich with all good, rich ideas, rich experiences, rich expressions, everything that you could want to prosper you? And Jesus is saying, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit this kingdom." How do you inherit something? You claim it. You claim it. If you had not been claiming your kingdom, your good, then today is the day that you want to begin to do that.

He also said, “I come that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). He didn’t say, “I come that they can have life and have it stingily, that everything is going to be rough and tough on you.” He didn’t say that. He said, “I came that you may have life and have it abundantly.” Get a feeling for abundance. What is abundance to you? What is abundance to you? To most of us, it’s free flow of good. Prosperity is spiritual, and spirituality prospers. Just get that into your mind, that the more spiritual you are, the more you’re going to experience a free flow of God’s good in your life.

005 The universe is abundant

Summary: The Universe is abundant. Drawn from Chapter One of Charles Fillmore's book Prosperity.

One of the ideas that we had on our affirmative thoughts was “It is my Father’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom of all good.” It is my Father’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom of all good. Let’s say that again.

It is my Father's good pleasure to give me the kingdom of all good.

How does that feel? It is your Father's good pleasure. He isn't going to hold it back. We were meant to be prosperous. We live in an abundant world, a world that is prosperous. We live in a world that is really abundant. There are people all over the place. Everything that God created was created in a super-abundance, a super-abundance of good. But most of the time, we're so limited in our viewpoint that we don't view this super-abundance that God has prepared.

When I was a little girl, I had a favorite hymn in our hymnal, and that favorite hymn was I’m the child of a King. “I’m the child of a King. With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of a King.” And it starts off with “My Father is rich in houses and lands. He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands.” And there is this wealth of the world that is everywhere present in our universe. We were meant to be prosperous, and we truly are the children of a King.

006 I claim my spiritual right as a child of the king

Summary: Unity students don't bow their heads during prayer because it is the children of the king who do not bow their heads in the king's presence. I am the “child of the king” and I am meant to be prosperous.

You know, one of the ideas that a lot of people don't understand about Unity students is that when we pray, we don't bow our heads. We lift our faces straight up in this position. And I don't think that a lot of people know why Unity students do that. Because in the good old days, when you went into the presence of the king, you went in in a prostrate form; you laid down, and you bowed your head so much lower than the king. That is, everyone except the children of the king. The children of the king did not bow down. They walked into the presence of the king with their head straight up, with their shoulders back, knowing exactly who they were.

And that's why, in Unity, when we pray, when we go to our Father in the silence of our being, when we speak the word with power, we don't bend our heads this way; we look straight ahead and up, and say, “I’m the child of a king. The child of a king. With Jesus my Savior, I’m the child of a king, and I was meant to be prosperous.” So think about that when you're praying, that you are a child of a king, and that you were meant to be prosperous. You have the spiritual right, the spiritual right as the child of a king, to peace, peace of mind, harmony and love in all of your relationships, health of body, health of body, health of mind, and plenty in all of your affairs. You have this spiritual right, and we must claim that spiritual right.

007 Watch your thoughts while you are handling your money

Summary: Watch your thoughts while handling money. Your thoughts are the key to opening the channel to your good.

Charles Fillmore, in his book Keep a True Lent, had a great deal to say about this idea of why it is that we do not prosper or we are not healed, and I'm going to put it up here so you can kind of read along with me as I speak the words for you. But what Charles Fillmore had to say is very important, because he said,

“Watch your thoughts when you are handling your money, because your money is attached through your mind to the one source of all substance and all money. When you think of your money, which is visible, as something directly attached to an invisible source that is giving or withholding according to your thought, you have the key to all riches and the reason for all lack.” (Keep a True Lent 102)

You want to get that idea. You want to get that idea that when you think of your money, which is visible; when you think of your good, which is visible; when you think of your body, which is visible; when you think of your health, which is visible; no matter what form of prosperity, when you think of your peace of mind, which is a visible manifestation, as attached to an invisible source—an invisible source of omnipresent good —everywhere present—as attached to that source that is withholding or giving according to whose thought? Your thought. You are the one who is providing the channel through which that good will come, and your thoughts are the key. Your thoughts are the key. It is a key to all riches, and the reason for all lack. And if we can get that idea in our mind and really begin to work with it, and realize that we have the key, and the key is in our own mind, we can begin to take dominion. We can begin to express the prosperity of mind, body, and affairs that we were intended to.

008 The mind is the one place we have dominion

Summary: The mind is the one place we have dominion.

In the book Prosperity, Charles Fillmore tells us that key. He talks about it in Keep a True Lent, but in Prosperity he tells us that we have been given dominion, dominion over the thoughts of our mind (Prosperity 92).

We can begin to recognize that, for it is the one place where we have true dominion. No one can tell you what kind of thoughts you are to hold in your mind. Just think about it. No one can tell you what kind of thoughts to hold in your mind. Now, you may have accepted a lot of thoughts from the past, you may have been conditioned by life and by the people around you to hear certain words, but no one can make you continue to hold those thoughts in your mind. Only you can choose to hold them. Only you can choose to think them, rethink them, and speak them over and over again. So it is very important to realize that you have been given dominion over the thoughts you hold in your mind. You can choose to think them, rethink them, or you can choose to eliminate them.

Next week, we’re going to talk about “Out Go the Blocks.” We’re going to talk about all those thoughts that we’ve been holding in mind that are producing less than the good that we desire in our life, and how to get rid of them, how to get rid of them in a very productive way.

009 The divine plan

Summary: The divine plan is that all manifestation comes through the gateway of man's mind, through the accumulated thoughts of mind. As in mind, so in manifestation, as in heaven, so as on Earth.

For the divine plan is that all expression, all demonstration comes through the gateway of man's mind, that all manifestation originates in mind through the accumulated thoughts, the accumulated thoughts that we hold in our mind that are expressing in the outer through the law. For the law is “As in mind, so in manifestation; as in heaven, so in earth.”

It says that when we think and add feeling, we have a thought. When we are thinking and we invest feeling in it, we build a thought. When we think and we invest feeling in it, we have a demonstration, an expression through the law. So, therefore, we are demonstrating our thoughts. We are demonstrating our thoughts.

010 The key to prosperity—Omnipresent Substance

Summary: God has provided the key to all abundance and that key is omnipresence spiritual substance. “God is the source of a mighty stream of substance. I am its channel of it's expression.” For a deeper explanation, see Charles Fillmore's "God is substance" in Prosperity 14 and Ed Rabel's comment.

But we need to begin to realize that we have a lot of misconceptions, a lot of malformed ideas in our mind which are non-productive. But we need to realize that within us is an inexhaustible supply of all good, that a loving Father has provided for His children, for His universe, the key to all abundance, and that abundance comes in the form of what is called omnipresent spiritual substance.

Omnipresent spiritual substance. Now this is not substance [Martha is apparently pointing to something physical]. This is formed substance, true enough, but spiritual substance is mind essence—it is mind essence—spiritual energy, and it is everywhere present in the universe. It is invisible. It is invisible. And through man's mind, and through the mind of all mankind, we have brought forth everything that is out of invisible substance.

“God is a source of a mighty stream of substance, and I am its channel of expression.” That was our word that we spoke this morning. So we really begin to realize that God is this mighty stream of mind essence, invisible substance, and each and every one of us—each and every one of us—is the channel for the expression of this substance.

011 Manifestation—the formation of substance

Summary: Primal substance is the source of all manifestation

Now, this primal substance, if you will, this mind essence can be transformed into the manifest answer, and has been transformed into the manifest answer for every need. For every need, whether it be temporal—that is, the things of daily living—whether it be the mental needs that we may have, the answers, the guidance that we may seek, or it may be for the spiritual needs, the awareness, a greater awareness of who and what we are.

But this one omnipresent substance is what we have been using to build our world. Our body is formed substance; we call it matter. Our body is formed substance. Our world is formed substance. Our thoughts are formed substance. They are just as real as our body, and a lot of people think that thoughts are something nebulous. But Charles Fillmore very definitely teaches us, and we know it to be true, that thoughts are things, and that we are manifesting our thoughts.

This primal substance is the source of all manifestation. It is available at all times and in all places. There is no absence of this substance and its availability, and no matter how much of it that you use, you can never deplete it.

012 Substance is shaped by your thought

Summary: Substance responds to your mind and is shaped by your thought. Whatever comes forth is according to your mental shape or mental limitation.

Can you get a picture of an omnipresent substance that you can just keep using and using, and forming and shaping, and that it never can be depleted? Never depleted, that it's always there, that it responds to your mind. It responds to your mind, and it is shaped by your thought. Isn't that great? That's really a great idea, that there's an omnipresent substance that responds to your mind, and it is shaped by your thought, and that whatever comes forth is according to your mental shape or mental limitation.

Because spiritual substance can be radiant light, it can be manifest as great good in your life, it can be manifest as anything you want, and the only limitation is our thought. Our mental limitation, the limitation that we place upon it by the thoughts that we hold in our mind.

013 Building the right consciousness

Summary: How do I get prepared for an “unlimited increase of good now?” The only place is in the thoughts of your mind, in your consciousness. We must start by building a consciousness.

Our other affirmation this morning was “I am prepared for an unlimited increase of good now.” Can you think about that? “I am prepared.” Now, how do I get prepared? How do I get prepared for an unlimited increase of good now? Well, there's only one place you can. There's only one place you can, and that's in the thoughts of your mind, in your consciousness. Your consciousness is made up of all of the thoughts and feelings that you have ever thought, that you have ever thought, and your world is manifesting according to those thoughts that you have held in your mind. So the very first thing you need to do is begin to build a consciousness.

Next week, we’re going to talk about how to get rid of those things which you already have in there, but this week, we’re going to get you started, get you started on asking. Asking. You know, Jesus said, “Ask and ye shall receive,” but we haven’t been paying very much attention to that. We keep thinking that we do not deserve to prosper, but Jesus said, “Ask and ye shall receive.” When we think of asking, and when we think of asking for our good, it begins to open channels for us.

And we must ask in the sense of deserving. You do not want to ask like, “Oh, give this to me, please give this to me,” in a begging sort of sense of a way. Would the child of a king go to his father and says, “Oh, Father, please give this to me?” The child of a king goes to the father and says, “Father, this is what I need. This is what I deserve. I am your child. I deserve to express the good that you have provided for me.” And when you speak in that consciousness, the Father responds.

014 Acting like God is the source of your supply

Summary: “If you believe that God is the source of your supply, act like it.” Affirm that the good that you desire is forthcoming. Spirit will provide through channels that you may know or may not know.

I remember when I was raising my two daughters, there were times when things weren’t always as abundant as they should be in my life, but I was a good Truth student, and I had learned the law, and I had learned the ideas, and there was always a favorite affirmation of mine, that “if you believe that God is a source of your supply, act like it.”

If you believe that God is a source of your supply, act like it.

And I use that idea very, very often. Well, this one Christmas, things were a little bit tight, and I knew that the girls were going to have new dolls for Christmas, because I had already put them away, but I really thought that it would be really very nice if I could have something for them to put the dolls in, and they both would have liked to have had buggies for their dolls.

So I was really thinking about this, and I began to walk around and say,

“Now, look, Martha. You’re doing your best in life, you are doing all of the things that you should be doing. Now, your Father is a Father who has an abundance. ‘My Father is rich in houses and lands. He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands.’”
And I began to think about that, and I began to affirm the idea that the good that I desired, and the good that I desired for my daughters, was forthcoming, that it was forthcoming now. There was no way in the outer that I could see this coming about, but I began to affirm, I began to speak the word, and then I let it go. And one day, while I was at my office, I walked in, and there was an envelope on my desk, and when I opened the envelope—I don't know who it came from—but there was the exact amount of money that I needed to purchase the two buggies for the girls.

I had spoken the word, I had asked in the consciousness, knowing that Spirit will provide through channels which I may know, or which I may not know. That the abundance would come when I needed it, and as I needed it.

Again, when I was in ministerial school, I found myself in that same position, and I began to speak the world, and I said, “Now, look, Father”—I often talk to God, the Spirit of God within me, like that. I said,

“Now, look. I’m really doing what I’m supposed to do, and yet things seem to be getting a little tight right now, and I have a need for an increase in my supply. And I know that you’re the source of my good, and I’ve been acting like it. Now, let’s see it come through.”

I no sooner had said that—I no sooner had established that asking consciousness—than all of a sudden, I received in the mail two letters. One letter was an immediate answer with a check, and the other was also a check, but said,

You know, I’ve been thinking about this, and I’ve decided to increase my tithe to the church. But then I began to think about the idea that the tithe can go to God’s work or workers. And I knew that you were working in God’s work, so I’ve decided to send you the increase in my tithe, and I’ll send it to you every month while you’re in school.

So every month while I was in school, this increase came.

015 Our belief is the size of the channel

Summary: Our belief equals the size of the channel. Our belief is the cup that we hold up for Spirit to fill with substance. “Thinking plus feeling equals demonstration.”

Our belief equals the size of the channel. Our belief determines what we will receive. Our belief is the cup that we hold up for Spirit to fill with substance. If you believe that you can be prospered, you will be. If you don't expect to be prospered, you won't be. If you ask for one thing, if you ask for, say, a thousand dollars, but in your heart, you really believe you may get a hundred dollars; if you ask for a great job which will be fulfilling all of your talents, but you believe in your heart that you may get a very mediocre job; if you ask in your heart for the right companion, for the right companion in your life, but you feel like you're going to have to settle for whatever comes along, you will.

You will, because your belief, not what you are asking for without your faith invested in it, is what's going to be forthcoming. If you are going to ask, begin to feel that the Father has prepared just the right expression, the right experience, the right job, the right person, the right activity, just for you, and that there is someone who wants to be with you waiting for you, the right person, and begin to invest your feeling in that, and thinking plus feeling equals demonstration. The good feeling will bring about the demonstration very quickly.

016 Do not ask why, but how to convert to the best

Summary: See a challenge as an opportunity to grow. Don't ask “why did this happen?” Ask, “Okay, Father, what am I supposed to do now?”

One of the ideas that you have to realize is that along the way, if all of a sudden something confronts you, and you don’t think it’s going to work, don’t see that challenge as a roadblock. See it as an opportunity to grow. To grow. To see if you really believe in what you’re asking for. If you really believe in what you’re asking for.

Don’t ask why it happened to you. “Oh my goodness, here I’ve been praying, why did this have to happen? Why did this have to come along?” We all do that, and then we start beating ourselves. We beat ourselves, and we begin to condemn ourselves, and we have to realize that God doesn’t condemn us, that God intends for us to be prospered. So we don’t ask, “Why did it happen?” Say,

“Okay, Father, what am I supposed to do now? What am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to let this overwhelm me? No. I’m supposed to begin to draw from within me on that power of my Christ self, so that I can experience and express the good that you have intended for me.”

Someone once said, “If someone hands you a whole bushel basket of lemons, make lemonade.” Make lemonade. So if you have lemons handed in to you in your life, make lemonade out of them. Find out how you can convert what has happened to you into something that can be of great good to you.

017 Speak specific words of prosperity: I deserve the best.

Summary: The truth is that you deserve the best. What you invest your energy in, that is what is forthcoming. Omnipresence presence is everywhere, waiting to be shaped and formed by your thought.

For nothing is too good to be true about any of us. We deserve the best. I deserve the best. Together:

I deserve the best.

I deserve the best. Again?
I deserve the best.

You feel it? Do you really mean it? Are you going to settle for second best? No. You deserve the best. Begin to devote every thought of your mind, every feeling, to the fact that you deserve the best. Begin to discipline your every thought. If you begin to think of yourself as not deserving the best, or that you have to suffer, or that everything is hopeless, no, that’s not the truth. The truth is that you deserve the best.

You begin to think about what you want, instead of what you don’t want. We spend an awful lot of time thinking about what we don’t want. Do you know that? We think about the things, the negative aspects of life, instead of thinking about the positive aspects of life that we really do want. And remember, whatever you invest your living energy in, that’s what’s going to be forthcoming.

Think about what you want, think about prosperity, think about the fact that “I deserve the best.” I deserve to be prospered. Speak prosperity. You know, we speak an awful lot of negative. “Oh, it’s hard times. Oh, there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Oh, there isn’t enough money to go around. Oh, things are tight right now.” We talk about those things every day, and talk about the lack, the shortage, the good that isn’t there.

I have news for you. Omnipresent substance is everywhere, waiting to be formed and shaped by your thought, and the richer the thought the richer the manifestation.

So begin to talk prosperity, speak prosperity. Begin to speak words of prosperity every day, not just general, not just general, but begin to speak specific words of prosperity for yourself. If you begin to speak general words of prosperity, what are you going to get? General results. But if you speak words of prosperity which are specific for you, what are you going to get? Specific results. Specific results.

018 This or something better

Summary: Always leave the door open for Spirit to work through you in the best way. Do this by always adding “this or something better.”

If you’re concerned about, say, “Gee, I’m forcing my own will upon this,” what do you say then? “This, or something better.”

This, or something better.

Always leave the door open for the Spirit within you to work through you in the best way.

019 Give thanks

Summary: Give thanks, like Jesus did. Martha quotes John 11:41 about Jesus thanking God while raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus looked upward and said, “Father, I thank you for having heard me.

Then, of course, give thanks. Give thanks to God, the source of all good in your life. Give thanks, like Jesus did. Jesus said, “Thank you, Father, that you hear me, and I know that you always hear me.” I know that you always hear me. And the Spirit within you always does hear you.

020 Prosperity is my spiritual right I dare to prosper now

Summary: “Prosperity is my spiritual right—I dare to prosper, NOW!” This is the focus for the entire series.

“Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.” This is the keynote that we’re going to be speaking all week long, and I want you to take this affirmation with you. “Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.” Together:

Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.

Again? Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now. And once more: Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.

021 Always say it three times

Summary: We say affirmations three times: first affirming a truth in Spirit, then affirming that truth in soul or thinking and feeling and then affirming that truth in manifestation.

You know why we say things three times? I’d guess a lot of people don’t know that. We say things three times because, first of all, we are affirming a truth in Spirit. Then, we are affirming that truth in soul—our thinking and feeling—and then we are affirming that truth in manifestation. So whenever we speak something three times, the spiritual truth, the soul accepting the idea, and the manifestation of that idea.

So let’s say it one more time. “Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.” Together:

Prosperity is my spiritual right. I dare to prosper now.

When? Now! When? Now! Now!!! you’ve got it!