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Table of Contents and Preface

Mystical Teachings of Christianity

Table of Contents and Preface

Dr. James C. Lewis

Unity Church of Denver
3021 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80210


  1. THE FALL OF MAN ......................... 1
  3. THE NATURE OF MIRACLES ................ 19
  4. WATER BAPTISM EXPLAINED .............. 29
  6. SALVATION ................................ 44
  7. COMMUNION .............................. 51
  8. THE DAY OF JUDGMENT ................... 60
  9. THE GRACE OF GOD ....................... 68
  10. THE KINGDOM OF GOD .................... 75
  11. SPEAKING IN TONGUES ................... 84
  13. HEAVEN AND/OR HELL .....................100
  15. THE TRUE CHURCH ........................117
  16. THE DIVINITY OF JESUS CHRIST...........125
  17. THE NEW BIRTH ........................... 133
  18. THE NEW AGE .............................144


Behind the theology and symbols of Christianity lies a rich treasure of mystical teaching. This teaching will help us understand something of our true spiritual nature. It will help us in our efforts to walk the spiritual path to the inner kingdom that Jesus talked about.

The spiritual path to the kingdom of God is not an easy one. Until one is really ready to make this journey, the literal meaning of the Christian symbols is helpful and comforting. However, as one proceeds along the path and experiences the new birth his mind and heart want to probe the deeper meaning of the symbols. When the inner meaning is discovered there is even greater help, comfort and security.

When the inner meaning of the symbols is discovered and realized more fully there is a great sense of freedom, and the journey along the path, even though still challenging, is much easier and more enjoyable.

When Jesus came along teaching His new ideas about God and man He was accused of trying to destroy the old teaching. But Jesus said, “I came, not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.” Seeking the deeper, mystical meaning in the Christian teaching is not destroying the symbols. Ceasing to believe the traditional teaching and interpretation doesn’t mean one does not believe in Jesus or that one is no longer a Christian. A Christian is one who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ and is seeking to “follow” Him in the regeneration of consciousness so that he too may enter the kingdom of God.

Those who have helped to carry on the Christian teaching down through the ages have not always understood the rich treasure they held in their grasp. This great teaching of love has often been used to arouse fear instead of peace and harmony. It has been used to frighten one to believe instead of inspiring one to believe. Worship of the theology and symbols became more important than the practice of the great ideas in daily living. Jesus said His followers would be known by their love for one another and for all people whether these others were believers or not. The Parable of the Good Samaritan brings this out very clearly.

As we travel along the path toward the inner kingdom our blind faith is transformed into an illumined faith. Many of the things that did not make sense begin to make a great deal of sense. Instead of seeing ourselves as sinners we begin to realize our spiritual heritage and see ourselves as spiritual beings seeking to return to the Father’s house. God is our Father, our Creator, our Sustainer, our Source of all good. There is no mistake or sin that can change or affect this relationship. When the Prodigal Son returned home he discovered that he was wrong. His father still loved him and welcomed him home; the relationship was still the same. It is a joyous moment of relief when we realize that God loves us, has always loved us, and will always love us. This is true, no matter what we have done, no matter what our present predicament, and no matter what we will do in the future.

The purpose of this book is to help you make the transition in thought from a literal to a spiritual interpretation of the great Christian ideas. May your journey toward the inner kingdom be a joyous one.

Jim Lewis January, 1981

© 1981, Dr. James C. Lewis
All rights reserved by the author.
Reprinted with permission.