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Christ Enthroned in Man —14— Condensed Exercise on the Twelve Powers

Christ Enthroned in Man — Condensed Exercise on the Twelve Powers

Chapter 14

The artists of old always painted their saints with a circle of light around the head, and they also painted them with a soft, warm, rose-colored glow around the heart, or with soft, rosy rays of light radiating from the heart. Let us consider if there is a metaphysical truth back of this old practice. We believe there is. The spiritual center in the crown of the head is the throne of the Christ, the throne of the I AM. The heart itself is the seat of manifest love, which is always expressed in a warm, rosy glow of light. But it is from the I AM center in the crown of head that we draw all new inspiration, all new ideas. When they contact man’s consciousness these new ideas or inspirations break forth as a soft, golden light (pure intelligence), which descends first to the seat of the conscious mind in the front forehead, and to the faith center in the pineal gland at the center of the head. Then the flow descends into the cardiac and solar nerve centers at the very center of the body, in the region of the heart and stomach, where the Christ power really begins to become manifest in substance. Often this light of Spirit (pure intelligence) not only causes the whole countenance to shine with its radiance but also surrounds the head, and in those who live very close to Christ the whole being is encompassed by it. While one may feel the flow from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet, it is in the depths of the body, in what we term the great solar center or distributing station, that the indwelling Christ begins to do its great work.

Please do not get confused. The Christ throne, the I AM center, is in the crown of the head; while the center of the manifest Christ is the point back of heart and stomach that we have named the great solar center. The apostle James wrote of the throne of Christ: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, neither shadow that is cast by turning.” (James 1:17). In other words, the perfect pattern or perfect idea comes down from the “Father of lights,” which we must learn to bring into manifestation. Thus we perceive that these old prophets had a true understanding of spiritual man. In the unfoldment of the twelve powers of man the most important point is first to call forth the Christ Mind; then to call forth the ingredients or attributes of the Christ Mind, the twelve fundamental ideas in Divine Mind, which are faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, order, zeal, renunciation, life.

As these twelve fundamental ideas begin their work in omnipresent substance at the point designated as the solar center, where the manifest Christ holds forth, the Lord’s body begins to shape itself. Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Bethlehem meaning house of bread ), in the stable (among the animal forces). He is our Way-Shower. Just as it was necessary for Spirit in Him to penetrate down into the most material parts of His being, down into the very animal forces, to begin the redemptive work, so it is necessary for us to do likewise.

Just as Jesus Christ was the great star actor in His and His disciples’ ministry here on earth, so the indwelling Christ is the central figure in unfolding the twelve great powers in the individual. First we set into activity the indwelling Christ Mind; then gently call forth the disciples.

For the exercise in the silence, first center the attention in the crown of the head (the I am throne) and realize that you are releasing in consciousness the idea of infinite knowing. As you truly get this realization and as the radiations from it penetrate the soul, you will be conscious of the emanation of Spirit as pure light, pure intelligence, descending within you; you will feel it working in every cell and fiber of your body temple. As stated before, you will gradually discover that this emanation of Spirit first drops to the faith center at the center of the head and that the seat of the conscious mind, the front forehead, is illumined.

From that high vantage point, the crown of the head and front forehead, you will become aware that your whole being is suffused with this soft flow of infinite intelligence, including the very feet, even the space beneath the feet. There realize that this descending spiritual flow is contacting and tempering an earthly current steadily ascending from below. Realize that the all-knowing power of Spirit is transforming such thoughts of the race as fear, lack, war, sin, and sickness into thoughts of fearlessness, abundance, peace, justice, purity, and health.

The earthly flow, when rightly handled, will bring to you new power and ability and will even give you a broader understanding of life in its manifest form. It will gradually ascend, permeating and penetrating the whole being in its upward course, meeting the continual outpouring from on high and at certain points in the body temple establishing centers in consciousness. But the larger portion of this renewed force goes to the seat of consciousness already designated as the great solar center at the hub of being, back of heart and stomach.

Then from the feet and beneath the feet, follow the current to the seat of the manifest Christ, and dwell there, taking up separately and meditating on each of the twelve fundamental ideas in God-Mind, faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, order or law, zeal, renunciation, and life. Then realize that twelve rays of light go forth from the great solar nerve center, one to the faith center, in the pineal gland at the center of the head; another ray of light goes to the strength center, in the small of the back; another to the wisdom center, at the pit of the stomach; another to the love center, the heart itself; another to the power center, at the root of the tongue; the next to the center of imagination, located between the eyes; the next to the will and understanding center, in the front forehead; the next to the order center, just back of the navel; the next to the zeal center, at the base of the brain; the next to the elimination center, at the base of the spinal column; and the last to the generative center, in the lower part of the abdomen. It is good for you consciously to co-operate by following these different rays of light that reach to the twelve principal centers and by holding special statements of Truth for the development of each - individual center. As you accompany the Presence to the faith center, quickly affirm at this point, I have faith in God. Return to the center of being (the great solar nerve center) with the same affirmation. Next go to the strength center, small of back, with the statement God is the strength of my life. Return to the central station with the same prayer. Then ascend to the power center with the word I am peaceful and poised in divine power. Return to the great central station with the same word. Then go to the imagination center with the thought I am created in the image and after the likeness of God. Return to the center of being with the same thought. Follow the next ray to the understanding center with the word My understanding is of God. Return with the same word to the central station. Then follow the next ray to the will center with the word My will is to obey God’s will. Return to the center of being with the same prayer. Next go to the order center with the prayer I am one with divine order. Return to the central station with the same affirmation. Then follow the next ray of light to the zeal center with the prayer I am zealous in my endeavor to work in perfect accord with infinite wisdom. Return to the solar center with the same prayer. Next go to the elimination center with the affirmation I gladly let go of the old and lay hold of the new. Return to the central station with the same affirmation. Then follow the next ray of light to the life center with the prayer My life is hid with Christ in God. Return to the great solar center with the same declaration. When approaching the life center, lower part of abdomen, always first take up the thought of Jesus Christ purity and power. At the close of the exercise allow the Presence to dwell at the central solar station in the region of the cardiac and solar plexuses while you repeat the Lord’s Prayer:

“Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And leave us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”

During this entire exercise the student must continue to realize that the light of Spirit from on high is descending as new inspiration, dealing in perfect order with the ascending earthly flow, and that there is perfect relaxation in mind and body. Then realizing that the exercise is completed, behold yourself as a spiritual being, clothed in the Lord’s body, firmly established in your I AM power and dominion, all the twelve faculties finding expression through the great solar station, the radiations therefrom filling the breast with new life and inspiration. Your feet planted on the firm rock of spiritual understanding, behold yourself a new creature open only to the good.

Nothing is truly ours until we express it. No new power is ours until we send it forth into the world. That which we gain in these exercises must be given forth. Remember that Jesus Christ walked and talked and lived with mankind. “We all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.” (II Corinthians 3:18).

Lee’s Summit, Missouri
24F-3M-1 2-54

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