Hi Friends,
If you scroll down you will see links to three new resources sent in from a long time Unity student. These are humble documents. They are small booklets, printed on copy machines or everyday printers, disseminated as handouts for some class or perhaps for a sermon series. Documents like these are typically stuffed on our bookshelves or in file cabinets, perhaps inserted into our Bible or some inspirational book.
Their value becomes apparent, often years later, when we rediscover them. They remind us how our lives have been enriched by the work of a teacher or minister. We then realize that the shelf life of a class or sermon can appear to be momentary, but the long-term effect of a Sunday lesson or a Unity class is eternal. Such is the case of these three resources from LaFayette Seymour and Amalie Frank, two ministers who served in Washington DC. And such is the case of Caywood Black, their student and my friend and fellow Licensed Unity Teacher, who sent them to me a few weeks ago.
Everyone reading this most likely has kept and cherishes humble handouts such as these. If so, you can multiply and pass on the blessing you have received from these teachers and ministers by sharing the handouts with others. I’ll help you do that. My email address is mark@truthunity.net. Send me an email and let me know what you have to share. I’ll tell you if I can’t use it, but my experience is that nearly everyone has something to share that will bless others.
Let me repeat: nearly everyone has something to share that will bless others. It’s not just the handout, nor the minister or teacher. It wasn’t just LaFayette Seymour or Amalie Frank, nor their handouts. It’s also you. Share with me how the minister or teacher and their message blessed you. Caywood did that, and he helped me understand how these handouts may bless everyone else. So, when you send me your email, please share a bit about when, where and how your life was enriched.
Choice Decrees From the “Presence”. A 43-page booklet filled with affirmations that LaFayette Seymour would recite with great power.
The Formula for Fortune. A 28-page booklet by LaFayette for observing the vernal equinox, summer solstice, and winter equinox; Zazen meditation techniques; extensive notes on a proper diet, especially for cleansing the liver; and other valuable wisdom of the ancients for enriching the quality of our lives.
Consciousness Building Group Handbook To Prosperity: An Eight Week Guide to Prosperity Consciousness by Amalie Frank and Nancy Patrick. A 28-page booklet published in 1983 by Sun Search, Inc.; 700 "A" Street, N.E., Washington DC 20002. Reprinted by permission.
Thank you, Caywood.
Sunday, October 9, 2022