African American Leaders in Unity to 1989
Our list of all African Americans leaders in Unity in the first 100 years—up to 1989—is almost complete. Do you know any of these African Americans who have served the Unity movement? Are you one of them shown here? Would you like have a scholarly book written about the contributions African Americans have made to Unity in its first 100 years? If so, you can help make that happen by contributing the stories and photographs you may have about these and other people. Go here to learn more.
- Phyllis Acres
- Lorraine Allen
- William Allison
- V. Allison-Talifero
- Carol Amos
- John Anderson
- Lois Anderson
- Pat Anderson
- Eunice Anderson
- Violet Assam
- Enid Bailey
- Berthenia Banks
- Marvin Barnett
- Carrie Bolens
- Ida Bowles
- Catherine Brooks
- Mary Alice Brown
- Freddie Brown
- Melvera Jean Brown
- Mabel Butts
- Carmen Byam
- Richard Byrd
- Doris Caldwell
- Ron Coleman
- Johnnie Colemon
- Sheila Cook
- Beatrice Copeland
- Mary Covington
- Ruth Cox
- Mildred Falls Davis
- Davene Davis
- Pearl Davis
- Viola Dennard
- James Elliot
- Clara Epps
- Joseph Falls
- Montee Falls
- Mary Ann Finch
- Harriet Fudge
- Josephine Furlow
- Henrietta Gordon
- James E Green
- Allison David Harrell
- Violet Headley
- Mercedes Hill
- Mildred Hinton
- Janet Holland
- Gigi Holodnak
- Phyllis Jamison
- Wentworth Jenkins
- Vera Jenkins
- Courtnay Johnson
- Effie Marie Johnson
- John Johnson
- Charles King
- Yves Lafontant
- Louise Lawrence
- Trudie Liddell
- Julia Lloyd
- Cisley Malmi
- Arleen Martin
- Ernest Mitchell
- Myrtle Moore
- Virginia Moore
- Ruth Mosley
- Charles Motley
- Helen Mouton
- Jacquline M Neal
- Donat Nedd
- Lula Nute
- Louise Odem
- Martha Page
- Louise Peak
- Sharon Poindexter
- Leola Poole
- Clotia Robinson
- Mayola SaltPaw
- Steve Samms
- Helen Saunders
- Verda Scales
- Jimmie Scott
- LaFayette Seymour
- Dorothy Sharpley
- Corine Smith
- Brown Stewart
- Ester Stewart
- Sylvia Sumter
- Sallye Taylor
- Sadye Thomas
- Alpheus Townsend
- Festus Umeojiego
- Wanda Umeojiego
- Unidentified 1960 2
- Unidentified 1960 3
- Unidentified 1962 1
- Unidentified 1962 2
- Unidentified 1962 3
- Unidentified 1964 1
- Unidentified 1964 2
- Unidentified 1971 1
- Unidentified 1986 1
- Unidentified 1986 3
- Unidentified 1988 1
- Tom Vivens
- Sallye Wannamaker
- Flash Washington
- Frieda Ann Whitfeld
- Izear Wiggins
- Randolph Wilkinson
- Alfreda Williams
- Elaine Williams
- Leanna Williams
- Maurice Williams
- Mustafa Willingham