Eric Butterworth Unity Podcast #
This Sunday service is a traditional Unity "Twelve Powers" Candle Lighting Ceremony. Eric Butterworth has a limited role in the service, which indicates that it was given toward the end of his ministry. Olga Butterworth is accompanied by Justine Epstein.
A new meditation and lesson by Olga and Eric with the transcription of Eric's talk is emailed to subscribers (for free) each Friday morning. They make for a nice way to start your weekend.Click here and choose “Eric and Olga Butterworth: Meditation and Lesson each Friday” if you wish to receive one of these each week.
Click here for a list of all our Eric Butterworth Sunday Service recordings.
Download MP3 of Eric Butterworth Sunday Services — Your Christmas Presence
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Complete Service:
The transcript for this talk is not yet available. If this talk has spoken to you and yuou would like the transcript now, let me know and I'll put it on top of the list.