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Metaphysical meaning of Adbeel (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Adbeel (mbd)
Adbeel, ad'-be-el (Heb.)--yearning for God; languishing f or God; disciplined of (for) God; miracle of God.

Son of Ishmael, and the founder of an Arabian tribe (Gen. 25:13).

Meta. A thought that seemingly springs from the sense or flesh mind, but in reality is inspired by Spirit. It longs for God, for something higher and better than it has heretofore experienced (yearning for God; languishing for God) . This yearning will bring forth fruit in time, when it has been subjected to the necessary education and training (disciplined of, or for, God). Though not always recognized as coming from God, this discipline is brought about by the working of the divine law.

Preceding Entry: Adar
Following Entry: Addar