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Metaphysical meaning of Beth-biri (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Beth-biri (mbd)
Beth-biri (A. V., Beth-birei), bethblr'-l (Heb.)--house of my creation; house of my begetting; house of my coming forth; house of fatness; house of my Creator.

A city of Simeon, in the land of Canaan (I Chron. 4:31).

Meta. The truth that man's consciousness and body, established in substance, are the product of his own inner, true I AM (house of my creation, house of my begetting, house of fatness); also the truth that man's consciousness and body constitute the house, or temple, in which his Christ self, Jehovah God, or true I AM dwells, and through which it expresses (house of my coming forth, house of my Creator). Man comes into an understanding of this truth by hearing and obeying the divine law of Being as revealed by the Spirit of truth within him. (Simeon is one who hears and obeys; hearing is another word for receptivity, or a listening attitude of mind.)

Preceding Entry: Beth-barah
Following Entry: Beth-car