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Metaphysical meaning of Evil-merodach (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Evil-merodach (mbd)
Evil-merodach, e'-vl-me-ro'-dach (Heb.)--fool of Merodach; Merodach's fool, i.e., his foolish worshiper; fool of Mars; foolish oppression; fool's destruction; fool grinds bitterly.

King of Babylon, son of Nebuchadnezzar (II Kings 25:27).

Meta. A central, ruling thought in the Babylon state of consciousness in man. This thought is foolish in that it looks upon worldly pride, pomp, and power as worthy of one's effort to attain; it also believes in outer, limited, error conditions as real. Persons who behold the outer constantly, and believe in error seemings, bring about strife and confusion in mind, body, and affairs; they are foolish, and grind bitterly, in the end, (See BABYLON, BERODACH-BALLADAN, and MERODACH.)

Preceding Entry: Evi
Following Entry: Exodus