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Metaphysical meaning of Felix (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Felix (mbd)
Felix, fe'-lix (Lat.)--happy.

A Roman administrator of affairs in Judea (Acts 23:26--24:27).

Meta. Transient prosperity and happiness; the thoroughly sense consciousness that believes the manifest world is the all of existence. It poses as judge and decides all matters from the standpoint of personality and personal profit. Felix listened to the exhortations of Paul, hoping to receive money. It is not uncommon to find people who hold to Truth hoping that they can in some way make money out of it.

Felix was terrified at the revelation of his shortcomings when Paul reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and the judgment to come, but he said to Paul, "Go thy way for this time, and when I have a convenient season, I will call thee unto me." Felix was not quite ready to give up the ambitions of personality.

One must be willing to give up the desires of the personal man in order to enter into the joys of the universal. This is a hard thing to do. The whole life has been devoted to worldly aims and sensual attainments, and the thoughts are welded to the material. Yet a renunciation of self must take place in man before he can realize the will of God. "Not what I will, but what thou wilt," said Jesus. If one does not give up willingly, divine law brings about that precipitation of error thoughts into the visible life which dissolves its temporal structures. The change usually results in tragedy, as in the case of Felix. His reign as governor of Judea was short; history says that he was deposed because of corruption in office and that he came near losing his life over it.

Felix also could be said to represent the twin faculties, will and understanding, functioning in sense consciousness. The word of Truth (Paul) did not move the will but disturbed the understanding, which was "terrified."

Preceding Entry: feet
Following Entry: Festus