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Metaphysical meaning of Jeshishai (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Jeshishai (mbd)
Jeshishai, je-shish-ai (Heb.)--of or pertaining to age; son of venerable age; hoary; whiteness; purity; brilliance; tranquillity- wisdom.

A man of the Israelitish tribe of Gad (I Chron. 5:14).
Meta. The idea that wisdom, peace, and true purity of thought and life come by age, experience, worship or great veneration of age, of that which is old: relics, thoughts and beliefs of ancestors, and so forth. Man must be watchful not to let this idea have place in his consciousness to the extent that his mind becomes closed to new ideas, since holding to the old hinders growth and is a direct cause of old age (of or pertaining to age).

Preceding Entry: Jesher
Following Entry: Jeshohaiah