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Metaphysical meaning of Jokmeam (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Jokmeam (mbd)
Jokmeam (in A. V., I Kings 4:12, Jokneam), jok'-me-am (Heb.)--gathering of the people; standing of the people; rising up of the people; the people will be raised up.

A city of Ephraim that was given over to the Kohathite Levites (I Chron. 6:68).

Meta. A phase of the will (Ephraim) given over to religious thoughts and tendencies (Levites), thus indicating that the standing of the people, or the standard of the thoughts that comprise the city of Jokmeam in individual consciousness, is to be raised to a higher plane (the people will be raised up). The love thought (Levi, from whom the Levites, signifying love, were descended) aids greatly in drawing these thought people together into the harmony and the unification (gathering of the people) that are necessary in every true elevation of thought and activity.

Preceding Entry: Jokim
Following Entry: Jokneam