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Metaphysical meaning of Laishah (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Laishah (mbd)
Laishah (A. V., Laish), la'-ish-ah (Heb.)--same as Laish, used with the emphatic and designative article, a formLA

F GODused to designate a place or locality.A place mentioned in Isaiah 10:30.

Meta. A lion signifies life (being of the cat family), as well as courage, aggressiveness, fearlessness, and strength. Gallim, the place mentioned with Laishah in Isaiah 10:30, also represents thoughts about life. (See GALLIM.) Because of failing to keep the courage, fearlessness, and strength of the Laishah consciousness centered in Spirit, God, they fail in the hour of greatest need; they fall a prey to the Assyrians (the destructive and undisciplined reasonings, philosophical and psychical, that do not recognize the spiritual Head of the universe but are based on sense observations, on the formed instead of the formless). (See ASSYRIA.)

Preceding Entry: Laish
Following Entry: Lakkum