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Metaphysical meaning of Nineveh (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Nineveh (mbd)
Nineveh (in A.V., Luke 11:32, Nineve), nin-e-veh (Heb.)--abode of Ninus; exterior growth; growing vigor; colonization; coordination; education of youth; handsome; agreeable.

A city of Assyria that was built by Asshur (Gen. 10:11, see margin). Jonah was sent to prophesy against this city (Jon. 1:2).

Meta. Asshur typifies mental recognition that the entire man--spirit, soul, and body--is free, of spiritual origin, and is not bound by limitations of matter. Nineveh, a city built by Asshur, signifies the first natural outcome, in the outer thoughts and organism of man, of that for which Asshur stands. This outcome is exterior growth, growing vigor, and an outer sense of order, unity, harmony, and intellectual understanding (colonization, coordination, education of youth, handsome, agreeable). Unless really centered in spiritual thought this outer development may result in increased materiality.

Nineveh also represents the seat of the natural, animal forces in man's body consciousness. The people of Nineveh were not willfully wicked; they only awaited spiritual instruction that would turn their attention away from the outer and material, to God. Jonah's condemnation of Nineveh symbolizes the unwise use that one sometimes makes of one's power of discernment. Jonah foresaw the coming effects of living without the knowledge of God, and he fled from the city till he might see what would become of it. This is symbolical of inattention or willful neglect in handling an error thought. What one's attitude should be toward the natural forces and emotions and functions is described as follows:

Discernment of more of Truth, which makes shortcomings apparent, should make one obedient to the instruction of Spirit, and there should be praise and rejoicing that the people (thoughts) of the city are being directed by infinite wisdom and love, and saved from sin and destruction.

Preceding Entry: Nimshi
Following Entry: Ninevites