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Metaphysical meaning of Omri (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Omri (mbd)
Omri, om'-ri (Heb.)--pupil of Jehovah; taught of Jah; measure of Jah; my measure; Jah apportions; Jah's sheaf; untaught- inexperienced; my pupil.

a Captain of the host of Israel, and later king (I Kings 16:16). There were other Israelites by this name (I Chron. 7:8; 9:4; 27:18).

Meta. The definitions of the name Omri signify that in man which is open to and receives true spiritual instruction (pupil of Jehovah, taught of Jah); that recognizes substance and supply as coming from Jehovah (Jah apportions, Jah's sheaf).

The Omri who became king of Israel and who was the father of Ahab, however, represents an external movement of the mind in a whirl of discord, caused largely by a lack of spiritual development, a lack of recognition of the spiritual source of life. This leads to a separation of intellect from the inner mind, and finally draws the vital forces of the organism so far from the center of life that the life currents run low and a drought sets in. This is the condition that the Omri and Ahab thoughts have brought upon the system when the spiritual I AM of man's consciousness (Elijah) appears on the scene (I Kings 17).

Omri, king of Israel, symbolizes the phase of consciousness in which the ruling thought is not in Truth, but outside of it. When the center of identity drops from Spirit to a recognition of form as the real, an entire change of character ensues--the thoughts of the outer world become the basis of action and life becomes a kind of fool's paradise.

In the beginning this reign has its pleasant aspects. "Six years reigned he in Tirzah." Tirzah means delight. But, the foundation being outside of Truth, the thoughts and acts wander farther and farther into error. Omri bought the hill Samaria, which means an exaltation of personality, and there set up a city, or center. He walked in the way of Jeroboam, who symbolizes that which his name implies: adverse people, hostile people, contentious people. This all illustrates a phase of intellectual rulership in which the one true God of reality is ignored, and secondary deities are substituted. Baal means lord, and it was the besetting sin of the ancient Hebrews to apply the name of the Lord to things formed instead of to the formless. All concepts of God as less than universal Mind are Baal. Whoever believes in a personal God tends toward a materialization of religion in all its aspects. When the mind is centered in the outer realm of consciousness, where the thoughts (people) are adverse to God, it retrogrades until that whole state of consciousness goes to pieces. This retrogression is by stages, from bad to worse. Omri was a little worse than any who had preceded him, but he was followed by Ahab, his son, who provoked more opposition or "anger" of the true law (Jehovah) than all the kings of Israel who were before him.

The reign of these error states of consciousness is temporary, however; there is an undercurrent of Truth constantly at work, deep in the man, that finally brings him to his senses. Omri and Ahab passed away; Jezebel met a violent death. The prophets of Baal were destroyed in a group by Elijah (the fiery word of God), and Israel was redeemed. So the higher principle in man erases the thoughts of error, and harmony in mind and body is restored.

Preceding Entry: Omega
Following Entry: On