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Metaphysical meaning of Vophsi (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Vophsi (mbd)
Vophsi, voph'-si (Heb.)--my increase; added unto me; additional; riches; gain; profit; addition of Jehovah.

Father of Nahbi, who was the spy chosen from the tribe of Naphtali to help search out the land of Canaan preparatory to the Israelites' going over and possessing it (Num. 13:14).

Meta. An acquisitive, accumulative thought belonging to the strength faculty in individual consciousness (my increase, added unto me, additional, riches, gain, profit; a prominent man of Naphtali, Naphtali referring to the faculty of strength in man). This thought can be carried to the extreme and all the substance of one's strength can be used for the purpose of getting for self, rather than for the rendering of strong, loving service to others. Addition of Jehovah, a definition of Vophsi, gives the idea of a righteous increase of strength and might, under the direction of I AM, the inner Christ of God.________________________
Preceding Entry: virgins