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Metaphysical meaning of Zephon (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Zephon (mbd)
Zephon, ze'–phon (Heb.)--watchman; observer; attender; waiter; expecter; keeper of the high watch.

The first–named of the sons of Gad (Num. 26:15). In Genesis 46:16, he is called Ziphion.

Meta. A realization of power (Gad, a son of Jacob, represents the power faculty in man), which is the result of a desire for, and a seeking after, power (watchman, observer, expecter, keeper of the high watch; the latter definition suggests prayer, an earnest desire for and expectation of something higher and better than that which relates purely to the mental and physical aspect of power and might).

Preceding Entry: Zephi
Following Entry: Zephonites