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Samson and Delilah (Rabel)

This is a series of lectures given by Mr. Edward Rabel, member of the faculty of S.M.R.S.
Fall semester 1975 - 2nd. Yr. Class. Lecture given on November 4, 1975

Topic: 59
Judg. 16, pp. 239-241 of transcript.

Samson and Delilah

The book of Judges contains some very interesting stories and some having very worthwhile metaphysical meanings, but in the general run of the text, the symbolism in the text is rather weak and somewhat repetitive. Even, for instance, the very famous incident of Samson and Delilah in Judges. While it is very interesting in appealing to the imagination in the narrative, it doesn't offer too much in the way of metaphysical symbolism except that it does point out one of the dangers of a state of antagonism or competitiveness within us between male and female phases of our soul, yet antagonistic towards each other; if they are competitive with each other, there can be a serious set-back in our state of well-being.

You see, in this story of Samson and Delilah, were they really lovers? He was very infatuated with beauty, only her physical allure, sensual allure. What was her attitude toward him? She was a Philistine woman, hired to do him in, so really, what was their so called love affair? It was fiercely competitive, he was out to get her, and she was out to get him. They both got what they wanted and they ended up with - kabook. This is always the case when you get what you want through competitiveness. You get what you want and the system gets you and you both get a good haircut and a kick in the rump. You have to rectify the whole business all over again. The only time we really can gain our good, I mean the good which satisfied our soul, we get it through non-competiveness, when we earn it through right of consciousness with perfect willingness to share it with whoever else needs it, and then we've got it. But if we get it because we've competed for it and beaten out others in the race, it's a hollow victory.

Samson got his Delilah and he also got something he didn't want along with it. A haircut, a loss of vitality, or creativity, temporarily, it came back, of course, but what did she get out of it? If you saw the movie you'd know - the final scene? She got a broken heart and a crushed body. Anyway, in the story of Samson and Delilah, we are being told with good metaphysical insight that both the male and the female of us are either antagonistic toward each other, or they are competitive with each other, we do undergo a serious depletion of vitality and of vital force, so to speak and, for instance, let me put it into more down-to-earth language.

Have you ever been in a state where you felt one way, you thought another way and you hated the way you felt, or you hated the way you were thinking? You see - this is a dilemma; this is one of those cul-de-sacs of dilemma that one can get into in his inner workings of soul, and so, because the way you're thinking hates the way you're feeling, the male is at odds against the female in you, or it could be the other way around, you're feeling one way but you're having to think and talk in another way and you hate the way you're thinking and talking, you're feeling nature hates it, then the female is at odds with the male. If it happens either way, what happens to you? What happens to your organism in the middle of all this? There's a serious leakage of vital energy, a serious leakage.

Dr. Nicoll talks about this a lot in his commentary. He describes people in certain predicaments, certain dilemmas he says, they're leaking, there are leak holes, you see. They get back into alignment with principle, with Spirit, and the leaks are repaired. The hair grows back, the vitality is restored and things go well.

Transcribed by Margaret Garvin on February 8, 2015.