Not Magic But Law
I see myself as God sees me, strong, robust, healthy.
The Spirit of industry, energy, and honesty now stirs me to action, and I am truly prosperous.
THERE IS AN idea quite prevalent in the public mind that we teach a system of thought and word juggling; that anyone anywhere can have any and every thing by merely repeating over and over certain magic words. It is true that words have magic in them and very often the result of the mental imagery evoked by them is so startling as to suggest Aladdin and his lamp. However a comprehension of the whole philosophy reveals a well-balanced set of principles upon which it rests. By being determined one can project an isolated idea and gets results without conforming to the accepted laws of human relationships. No one can use the dynamic power of thought and word in unbalanced ways without suffering undesirable reactions. To avoid this we keep before our mind's eye the dominant existence of a divine order and law to which
we must conform if we are to attain enduring success. Jesus taught that He was the executive of a spiritual principle that was the source, the wisdom, and the power of everything He did. He urged His followers to look to the same inner power. "Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Luke 11:9).
We who are striving to acquire an understanding of the divine law and to apply it in our life as Jesus did in His should set up the same intimate relation with the Father that He did. "For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that he himself doeth" (John 5:20). We are all the offspring of God and come into sonship when we acquaint ourselves with His mind.
Where is the "kingdom of God"?

It is wonderful and exhilarating thought that the Kingdom of God is within us. The Kingdom of God is a term used by Jesus which has the same meaning as Omnipresence. As far as an individual human being is concerned the very heart of Omnipresence is within his own being. Since God is beyond all dimensions and all limitations of space and time, it is correct to say that the very center of Omnipresence is wherever any person becomes centered in that Presence. A person can only become centered in himself. Hence, Jesus states, "For lo, the Kingdom of God is within you." We may take Mr. Fillmore's words quite seriously when he tells us that "Seeking the Kingdom of God within CHANGES OUR WHOLE MENTAL VIEWPOINT." It is vital to believe this and understand its implications. A person's mental viewpoint before seeking the inner Kingdom might be mediocre, or even lacking. But by making the sincere effort to center oneself in Omnipresence WONDERFUL CHANGES OF CONSCIOUSNESS WILL OCCUR. These good inner changes will find ways to manifest into the outer, beginning with the health of the body, and then into the many affairs of daily existence.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, Kingdom of God, Recognition of the Kingdom
- Ed Rabel
In the beginning of our existence as free, thinking entities we had a certain consciousness of the Father-Mind, but continued thinking of ourselves as independent of this Mind has formed a gulf of apartness. We are prodigals in the far country of sense life (Luke 15:11-21). Those of us who are beginning to see how poor and bare this material life is have turned our faces to the Father's house and are mentally journeying home. It is not a question of geographical locality but of mental recognition. "The kingdom of God is within you," said Jesus (Luke 17:21). Seeking God within changes our whole mental viewpoint. We find ourselves right in the presence of creative Mind, and seeking to co-operate with this Mind, we receive spiritual inspiration and are guided in even the most minute details of life.
Was Jesus the only Son of God? Explain.
In the early stages of our spiritual awakening we realize our dependence upon God for all that we are, and our attitude is that of the humble, obedient child. Then gradually there arises within us the consciousness of sonship, the consciousness that God is the parent Mind and that we inherit all the ideas constituting this mind. If we inherit these creative ideas it logically follows that we are to use them. This is where, as Jesus explained, the son becomes the co-operator with the Father in creation. "For as the Father hath life in himself, even so gave he to the Son also to have life in himself: and he gave him authority to execute judgment, because he is a son of man" (John 5:26). The claim that Jesus was the exclusive and only Son of God is here refuted: "because he is a son of man." By divine right man is the executive power of God-Mind, and he will never fulfill the law of his being before he enters into the realization of his dominion and authority in the realms of mind and matter.
How do we attain the consciousness of eternal life?
Thus we see that we are warranted in affirming our unity with God and expecting the attributes of the perfect man to appear. "Judge not according to appearance" (John 7:24). Right in the face of adverse appearances enter into God-Mind and see yourself as He sees you, strong, robust, healthy. Jesus said, "Marvel not at this: for the hour cometh, in which all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth" (John 5:28). All those who believe in the inevitable conquest of death are already in mental tombs, but when they realize that Jesus walked out of the tomb
and said, "Follow me," (John 21:19) they are lifted into the heavens of eternal life. Do not be afraid to go all the way with Jesus.
Why should we look to God as our resource?
When the prodigal son returned, the father ran to meet him, ordered the best robe to be put upon him, shoes on his feet, a ring on his hands; and he provided a feast, with merriment. Here is parabled the prosperity that ensues when man returns to the consciousness of God as his resource. In the world of affairs, industry, energy, and honesty are expected of those who would succeed. These qualities have a divine source and can be quickened and intensely energized by attaching them to the dynamic mind of God. "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee" (Job 22:28).