Divine ideas are the most important and most powerful things in the universe. All that God has created for us is involved in those ideas. All possibilities for us are infolded in those ideas. We have only to accept those ideas and give them whatever expression we are capable of at our current level of consciousness. If we need additional help, we can always receive it from levels within ourselves above our current conscious level. We experience this as "divine help," even though it did not come from outside our being. "The kingdom of God is within you."
Divine ideas are the most important and most powerful things in the universe. All that God has created for us is involved in those ideas. All possibilities for us are infolded in those ideas. We have only to accept those ideas and give them whatever expression we are capable of at our current level of consciousness. If we need additional help, we can always receive it from levels within ourselves above our current conscious level. We experience this as "divine help," even though it did not come from outside our being. "The kingdom of God is within you."
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, Cocreation, Divine Ideas