Metaphysical meaning of law (rw)
law--The faculty of the mind that holds every thought and act strictly to the Truth of Being, regardless of circumstances or environment. Law is a mathematical faculty. It places first things first.
Laws of mind are just as exact and undeviating as the laws of mathematics. To recognize this is the starting point in finding God.
Man does not make the law; the law is, and it was established for our benefit before the world was formed. Back of the judge is the law out of which he reads. Laws, whether natural or artificial, are but the evidence of an unseen power.
The development of man is under law. Creative mind is not only law, but is governed by the action of the law that it sets up. We have thought that man was brought forth under the fiat or edict of the great creative Mind that can make or unmake at will, or change its mind and declare a new law at any time. But a clear understanding of ourselves and of the unchangeableness of Divine Mind makes us realize that everything has its foundation in a rule of action, a law, that must be observed by both creator and created.
law, all-providing--God is the all-providing law. He is the spiritual substance out of which is made everything the race needs; the Father who supplies all His children bountifully out of His own abundance.
God is Mind; man, the offspring of God, is mind. To know the law of God, man must adjust his mind to God-Mind. The first step in applying this law is recognition of it as Truth. Unless God is known as the source of all supply, men look to the material world for support. This violates the law and breaks the connection with the one Source of all good.

Jesus taught a new understanding of divine law. He acknowledged mechanical cause and effect, but he knew it was possible to "fulfill the law" by transcending its strictly mechanical repetition. This can be done only by certain changes of consciousness. One of these changes is to let go of the insistence of "even-exchanges" in life all the time. Another change is to be willing to forgive sin instead of insisting on punishment for sin. Grace is the name given to the aspect of divine law which does not deal in "even-exchanging," but in the increase of good through greater giving. Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Divine Paradox, Law/Grace
- Ed Rabel
law, divine--Divine law is the orderly working out of the principles of Being, or the divine ideals, into expression and manifestation throughout creation. Man, by keeping the law of right thought, works in perfect harmony with divine law, and thus paves his way into spiritual consciousness.
Divine law cannot be broken. It holds man responsible for the result of his labors. It is revealed to the mind of man through his consciously thinking on spiritual ideas.
The law that Moses laid down for the Children of Israel was one of denial and affirmation, principally denial. The law that Jesus gave was one of affirmation and love. So in taking control of the forces within, keep on the affirmative side. Let the preponderance of your thought be positive, and do not spend much time saying, "I am not." You may find it helpful sometimes to say, "I am not afraid," but more often you should say, "I am bold, fearless, courageous."
law, evolutionary--Upward trend of all things; in the individual the rising of man from sense consciousness to spiritual consciousness. This law is set into action by our thinking and is continually supported by our thoughts.
law, generic--The law that operates in each group; that from which anything springs; the germ seed that brings forth after its kind.
law, mortal--The law of limitation that man has made for himself.
law, natural--The law of seed, cultivation, and harvest that natural man is subject to for the provision of his wants.
law of attraction--The law that all conditions and circumstances in affairs and body are attracted to us to accord with the thoughts we hold steadily in consciousness.
law of conservation--Building up a large reserve consciousness of substance, life, strength, and power, instead of laying up material treasures. This is done through prayer.
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steal" (Matt. 6:19, 20).
law of giving and receiving--The law of substance that equalizes all things. To realize and maintain divine order, substance must have both an inlet and an outlet in consciousness, and must be kept moving.
To demonstrate substance as supply, the law governing it must be recognized and kept. Those who, from pride or ignorance, do not open themselves to the inflow of substance do not demonstrate supply, and all who by selfishness refuse it an outlet, also fail. Everyone must receive freely and give as freely as he receives. Disregard of the basic principle of supply frequently hinders man's realization of the divine good. Readiness to give and readiness to receive are equally essential.
law of infinite expansion--The principle of never-ceasing growth and development toward the fulfillment of God's perfect idea that is firmly fixed in all creation.
law of justice--Many persons doubt that there is an infinite law of justice working in all things. Let them now take heart and know that this law has not worked in their affairs previously because they have not "called" it into activity at the creative center of consciousness. (see justice)
law of righteousness--The law of spiritual and mental growth that is raising man from sense consciousness to spiritual consciousness. The nature of the universe is purity and goodness. By abiding in the Christ consciousness, man aligns himself with this divine law. He becomes the "light of the world" (Matt. 5: 14).
law of sin and death--A misnomer. Sin and death are contrary to the law of love and life. They are false beliefs endowed with power through man's erroneous thinking. This seeming law can be transcended by application of the higher and true law of immutable good. Law is Truth, and in Truth all is good. There is no Truth and no reality in sin.
law of thought purification--A rule of mind action whereby man overcomes "the world, the flesh, and the devil" by building the pure Christ consciousness.
law, transgression of--Thinking thoughts that violate the principle of harmony inherent in Being. Such transgression is followed by evil conditions. Through the strength, power, purity, and love that Jesus imparted to the race mind, we can rise superior to the penalty of transgressed law and live forever in our present body forms made glorious.
law written in our "inward parts"--A law either in or around the cells, that controls their formation and duplicates the pattern laid down ages ago in mother Eve and father Adam. "I will put my law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people" (Jer. 31:33).
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