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Metaphysical meaning of Meroz (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Meroz (mbd)
Meroz, me'-roz (Heb.)--contracting oneself; shrinking; becoming compact; firmly rooted; firm; stable; refuge; secret place; retreat.

Curses were pronounced against Meroz because its inhabitants did not join Barak in fighting against Sisera and his hosts (Judg. 5:23). Evidently it was a place in Palestine belonging to the Israelites, though its location is unknown.

Meta. A phase of thought that receives Truth to itself but does not give out Truth. Thus, though it tends to make the consciousness stable and firm, it must learn to radiate its good, to assert itself positively in the expression and promulgation of the good, that it may aid actively in the progress of the unfolding individual and may not lack substance and vitality. The law of all growth and increase is that use must be made of what one already possesses. If man uses what he has, he gains more; but if he hides away his talents and does not use them, even that which he has will be taken away from him. Jesus taught this truth in His parables of the pounds and of the talents (Luke 19:13-26; Matt. 25:15-30).

Preceding Entry: Meronothite
Following Entry: Mesha