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Download a PDF copy of Book of Silent Prayer
Hi Friends –
Rev. Bernard Dozier shared with me a wonderful story about “God Bless this Automobile”, a prayer that is contained in a Unity booklet entitled Book of Silent Prayer. Bernard wrote,
I remember anytime that May Rowland would ask me along with her and Eve and Charles--her sister and brother-in-law--on an out of town trip, she (May) would affirm that Automobile Blessing before a wheel rolled.
That inspired me. You might think it’s the consciousness of May Rowland that I find inspiring, and that is true. But it is also the joy that Bernard radiates when he searches for, finds and shares with others something filled with spiritual power from days gone by in Unity. It is the pride he reveals about Unity’s rightful place in humankind’s spiritual journey that I find inspiring.
So above is a link to the small booklet that is Bernard’s pride and joy. And below is the God Bless This Automobile prayer, slightly modified by Bernard for gender inclusiveness. I hope we all read and take to heart “God Bless this Automobile” below or on page 59 of the PDF before we venture out on our summer vacation.
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Some Favorites from Book of Silent Prayer
This is God’s car. It neither gives or receives offense in all its journeyings. God’s hand is at the wheel. His wisdom chooses the way. God’s law of order and right adjustment is manifest in all its mechanism. No fear alarms its occupants; for God’s presence blesses them with the spirit of peace.
The driver of this car is an emissary of Spirit. God’s wisdom inspires the driver with alertness, good judgment, and quick decision. God’s patience gives the driver temperance and courtesy. Blessed by the Spirit of the Lord the driver is divinely directed in all ways.
*Modified for gender inclusiveness.