Unity Tract Index (1924)
[Editor's note: the text has not yet been fully transcribed. See the PDF for the full text. The following is the opening section.]
This index to the Unity tracts and their contents was composed in the first place with a view to aiding the Silent Unity workers in their ministry to those who seek the spiritual service of Silent Unity. Most of our tracts were printed primarily for the use of Silent Unity in instructing those who ask this Society for its help in overcoming ills and inharmonies of various kinds. We are sure, however, that this book of study helps will also be of great benefit to our workers in the other departments of Unity School, to the teachers and helpers in the various Unity centers throughout the world, and to all of our earnest students everywhere.
The tracts indexed in this book are those that are used daily in our Silent Unity work. The larger Unity booklets are not included. This index is up-to-date now, but because of certain changes that are taking place in our tracts from time to time, we cannot get out an index that will be correct for an indefinite period.
In reprinting tracts, the paging is sometimes altered; consequently, when new editions of certain tracts are published, a point that is given, for instance, on page 2, may be on page 1 or on page 3. Then too, Silent Unity sometimes considers it best to revise a tract. Thus slight differences and changes are brought about; therefore this index will be revised from time to time. However, such changes will probably be few. One of these helps to the study of our tracts may then be used with benefit just as it is, for several years, though our present intention is to revise it about once a year.
The special points that we have gathered from the tracts, and are using in this book of helps, are arranged alphabetically under the headings mentioned in the topical index.