Hi Friends -
This morning I received an email from a woman in Indianapolis. She wrote,
Thanks Mark! These are such treasures!
We have been listening and listening to the Eric Butterworth audio talks as well as the Charles Roth ones. Oh how I wish there were more available! When we travel we have them playing in the car. What a great time to be able to be still and really listen. I wonder if the is an archive somewhere of Charles’ radio shows. They were fifteen minute gems of positive energy everyday. Also surely there are more of his sermons out there somewhere. I happened onto one called “The Force is With You” and clearly remembered sitting in Indianapolis Unity hearing it the day he gave it! I haven’t been able to locate it again.
I love getting to hear both these men speak. It is so uplifting and peace filling. Thank you again for sharing them!
I happened to have this one by Charles Roth, unpublished but tucked away on my computer since 2011. Thank you, Katrina, for your affirmation and nudge. Spirit talked to me this morning.

Download The Christ Within and Joy by Charles Roth
Who or what is the Christ within? One must have some concept of what he means when he uses the term the Christ within in order to make the connection between heart and head so necessary in effective meditation. It isn’t enough to just pair it a suggested statement feeling it must be sort of magically effective. The Christ is not a person. The Christ is not a sanctified space some place inside of you. The Christ is an idea. An idea is not a person. It doesn’t take up any space. The Christ is the idea of man in universal mind.
You are an expression of that idea. The idea has within it the power of freedom of choice. Therefore, you have the power of freedom of choice. It is the right use or the wrong use of the power that determines to what degree the perfect idea of man, the Christ within, become manifest through you.
And now after those thoughts, let’s get into the meditation. To help you relax and become centered within, repeat the following phrases silently after me.
I feel very quiet. I feel very quiet.
I am beginning to feel quite relaxed. I am beginning to feel quite relaxed.
My entire body feels quiet, relaxed and comfortable. My entire body feels quiet, relaxed and comfortable.
My mind is calm and quiet. My mind is calm and quiet.
I am alert but in an easy, quiet, inward turned way. I am alert but in an easy, quiet, inward turned way.
And now let the idea of light quietly fill your mind. Perhaps you might start by seeing the word light, L-I-G-H-T, spelled out in capital letters in front of your closed eyes. Then gradually let the letters, emblazoned across the velvet sky of your consciousness, burst into tiny darts of light that permeate every farthest reach of your being. And then affirm softly,
I am filled with light and peace. I am filled with light and peace.
Christ within me assures me of wisdom to make right decisions. Christ within me assures me of wisdom to make right decisions.
All sure guidance comes from within.
How are we to know with our puny little intellects which is the right action to take? But we have access to a pool of his wisdom. We have access to infinite wisdom when we make that connection in mind, in prayer. I am filled with light and peace. Christ within me assures me of wisdom to make right decisions. Thus in meditation you prepare yourself so that during the day, today or tomorrow, the following day when there is a decision to be made, it automatically will come bubbling up into your mind, the right thing to do or to say.
Take a few moments to just bask in that inner light. Just the way the growing, unfolding spring flowers bask in the sun. And from the sun they draw energy. They draw the ability to grow. And so do you as you just quietly bask in the light of truth within you. Draw energy from that light, which allows you to grow, which changes you from the inside out.
Now feel a fountain of life and strength welling up from deep within you, filling and thrilling you with energy and vitality. As we contemplate the silent unity healing statement. I am filled with life and strength. Christ within me is healing and perfecting me now.
I am filled with life and strength.
Christ within me is healing and perfecting me now.
Again, feel that fountain of life and strength welling up from deep within you, filling and thrilling you with energy and vitality. I am filled with life and strength. Christ within me is healing and perfecting me now.
Let it happen. Let go and let God do his perfect healing work in and through you. And now we turn to the prosperity statement. If there is any pocket of fear of lack or fear of insufficient supply in your consciousness, it is washed away as you calmly and quietly affirm,
I am filled with faith and confidence.
Christ within me assures me of supply for every need. I am filled with faith and confidence. Christ within me assures me of supply for every need.
And now in your meditation feel that it’s raining gold dust all around you. Gold dust is kind of an imagery symbol for substance, the substance of God. Raining gold dust in your consciousness, your supply. God is the source of your supply. I am filled with faith and confidence. Christ within me assures me of supply for every need. And now no matter what it is that faces you at this time and this place in your unfoldment, you made it calmly and successfully as you affirm, I am filled with faith and courage. Christ within me assures me of victory in all life’s experiences. I am filled with faith and courage. Christ within me assures me of victory in all life’s experiences. I am grateful.
And now as we come to the close of our time of meditation, think of those you would wish to bless, your loved ones and friends. And for them we say the light of God surrounds you, the love of God enfolds you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you. Wherever you are, God is. The Christ within, God’s idea of perfect man, implanted in your soul from the beginning is filling you with new sense of worth of mastery, of purpose. You are grateful.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy. Meditate on the idea of joy. In this meditation, as I use the pronoun I, think of it as meaning your sense of I. Think of I as ideas and thoughts coming from the universal I, which finds a point of expression in every living soul. Joy. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy is an emotion and emotions are the dynamos of the soul. The emotion of joy ventilates the cells of the body, drives out impurities, and restores wholeness and health. Joy magnetizes me and attracts particles of God’s substance to form the perfect answer to my needs and my soul desires. The emotion of joy clears the mist from my mind and I intuitively know the right answer, the right way. My joy response to the touch of God’s spirit on my spirit releases energy that strengthens, inspiration that uplifts and love the heals and comforts.
I work in the idea of joy into my prayers for guidance. The spirit of God in me inspires me and I joyfully follow the inner light and direction that I receive. The spirit of God in me inspires me and I joyfully follow the inner light and direction that I receive. How those words of truth uplift and open the curtains so that I may see. When I feel lost, when I feel bewildered, when I feel confused. It is because I am thinking in darkness. The darkness of fear or anger or self pity or resentment cloud the mind. My thoughts wander in circles, bumping into imagined phantoms of dire troubles ahead. But I let in the light by affirming the spirit of God in me inspires me. The spirit of God in me inspires me. I say it again and again until I feel the response within me. Then burst into the words and I joyfully follow the inner light and direction that I receive.
It is almost as if you were taken up on the swell of a wave as the implications of this statement of truth ring true in the corridors of the mind and the deep places of the heart. The spirit of God in me inspires me and I joyfully follow the inner light and direction that I receive. Joyfully follow. Not with a shadow of doubt, not even with a tinge of just hoping. But innocently, child-likely, whole heartedly, joyfully follow that inner light and direction. The spirit of God in me inspires me and I joyfully follow the inner light and direction that I receive.
I joyfully accept the strength and healing power of God that arises from within me. The spirit of God in me is renewing my mind and my body and I joyfully accept that renewing, restorative, revitalizing life of God. All tiredness drains away. Weakness is changed to strength. The spirit of God in me is renewing mind and body. The spirit of God in me is moving on only one direction, toward wholeness, toward healing, toward restoration, towards strengthening. The very cells of my body thrill with joy to hear the glad news, the glad song of health as I let the harmonies of the kingdom of God pour through the doorway of the secret place of that most high in me and rush through my mind and into my body.
Things happen and are happening in me that I don’t understand intellectually. As that joyful life giving spirit moves through me, it is affecting functions and systems within me. Doctors would know the names of some of the systems and functions. I don’t, am not conversant with them all but I know that my body is an intelligent instrument, it is a delicate instrument, it is a sensitive instrument. Sensitive to the thoughts of my mind. Sensitive to the powerful dynamos of emotion. And when I let in to my consciousness, the God emotion of joy, coupled with the idea of healing, of life, of vitalizing life, my sensitive body responds.
If my body could talk, it would probably say to me thank you. Thank you. For so long, from headquarters up in your head or your mind or your consciousness, you have been entertaining negative, destructive emotions that have been placing a great deal of stress on me. Your body would say I am strong and I am handling this stress fairly well because our creator engineered in me that capability. But there will come a time when I cannot handle the stress and so this time of meditation that you are engaged in, where you are opening your mind to the inflow of God life and letting it’s healing waters bathe me, every cell and function, this restores me. This not only takes away the stress, but it restores and renews. And your body says these things in a spirit of joy.
And that joy is contagious. Joy is contagious. Have you ever been some place where somebody started laughing and even though you may have been in a sour mood, you find yourself, almost against your will, laughing? Joy is contagious.
I am a carrier of joy and joy is contagious. I spread the happy song of joy, radiated out to all about me. And not only do people respond but all things respond, the plant world, the animal world, the vegetable world and even that world of so-called hard crystallized form like chairs or automobiles or things like that. They’re really composed of atoms and atoms have within them energy and intelligence. And that energy and intelligence, especially the intelligence in even inanimate things responds to the radiation of spiritual joy from the deep well springs of my being. The spirit of God in me is opening the way to my good and I joyfully accept it. The spirit of God in me is opening the way to my good and I joyfully accept it. Is opening the way now.
Even though I would open my eyes now or look around and say where? How is God opening the way? Nothing has changed. Everything is just as it is when I started my meditation time. But it’s changed. How is God opening the way to my good? There is a change. The change, the first opening occurs in consciousness, in my mind and I can feel it now. I can feel that something good is happening. The door to my good is opening. I cannot, as yet, see through the door enough to know exactly what it is, but I feel a sense of anticipation as I intuitively know that it is good. The spirit of God in me is opening the way to my good and I joyfully accept it. I go forth to meet my good.