Hi Friends -
Here is something special. Scroll down to listen to ten uplifting Unity songs by Rev. Janet Manning, accompanied by her husband and life-long parter and collaborator in music and ministry, Rev. Wayne Manning.
Scroll further down to access the music that you can give to your music leader to use in preparing music for Sunday services.
Janet Bowser Manning has left Unity a wonderful blessing with her music. You can read some of her life story here.

And her husband and collaborator in music and ministry has given permission to share her work with you. Let me know if you would like to contact him by email.
I am so grateful to Janet and Wayne for this music and for Wayne's blessing to share it so freely. As you can read in his FB correspondence, their great desire is to have this music played, and played, in Unity Churches everywhere.
Thank you, Janet and Wayne. We are blessed!

A Message from Janet Bowser Manning:
The songs in this book are an offering of love to those of you who like to sing. For the most part, these songs are written and are meant to be performed "folk style." However, as you learn them and experiment with your own style, you will find them adaptable to many interpretations.
The twenty-four songs in this book are also available on two cassette tapes. The first fourteen songs are on a tape entitled "Singing My Own Songs." The remaining ten songs are on a tape entitled "Songs For Celebration."
If you are using the book and the tapes together, you will find some differences. First, the songs are written in a slightly higher key than on the tapes in order to make them comfortable for the average voice. I have also tried to keep them in keys that are easy to play on piano, guitar, or autoharp.
Secondly, you will find some rhythmic and harmonic differences. The basic chords which are provided in the book are effective for pleasant singing and flexible enough to allow you to improvise your own harmonies to some extent. The same is true of the rhythm structure.
Mostly, these are songs to have fun with. Sing them for your own personal enjoyment and inspiration. Share them wherever you can. That's what words and music are all about ... sharing what we are, what we feel, what we believe, what we have experienced ... and for PRAISING GOD!
Janet Bowser Manning 1980
Download the PDF for Janet Bowser Manning Words and Music
© 1980, by BowMan Music
All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission.