Joyce Kramer's Philosophy of Life
Joyce Kramer’s philosophy of life was to look at life as a continuous process, a process that does not begin at birth, nor ends at death. She looked at the full arc of life and made choices with confidence that whatever accomplishment made here and now will carry forward to her future then and there. For her, life is a process that includes birth, death, rebirth and, ultimately, regeneration, which she defined as greater expression of the image and likeness of God. She saw the full circle of life.
Her philosophy is laid out in six talks given in 1980 to ministerial students at Unity Village. They were recorded and published as The Cycle of Life. What we have here is the audio recordings and their transcripts. CLICK THROUGH and you can listen online or download the audio files and PDFs of the transcripts.
Joyce Kramer concluded her life and ministry this past Tuesday, February 22, 2022. I have been told that she had had a stroke in January and that her daughter was with her when she died. You can learn more about her life and ministry at Joyce Kramer Ministries.
My sense is that these are the talks that Joyce would have wanted to be her parting message to all who follow the Fillmore teachings. I can tell you that these talks from Joyce are certainly the parting message that I needed to hear.
Like most everyone, I’m challenged with questions and concerns about death and dying that rest just below the surface of conscious mind, subtly influencing thinking and behavior. Joyce’s prescription is to fearlessly bring these questions and concerns to the surface and to take a long, loving look at their impact upon our soul and body. After proofreading the transcripts while listening to the audio files, I found myself in a better place. You will too. Joyce has left us a priceless parting message.
Mark Hicks
February 27, 2022