Phil White's Lectures on Background of New Thought

I really had no idea that a recording of Background of New Thought from 1984 had been retained. I'm not sure that was the best class we had. Nevertheless, please feel free to use it and make it available. I started teaching Background of New Thought in the 70's because I felt strongly that our Unity students were woefully uninformed about the development of New Thought, our place in it, and the philosophical, theological, mental healing ideas we had inherited. Along with Stillson Judah's work which you mentioned is a large and growing series of books on this subject. I'm attaching a copy of the bibliography I used with the students back then, but there are many more new works coming along. Our own Neal Vahle has done some recent work on this subject and I finished reading Catherine Albanese, A Republic of Mind and Spirit--A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion. This is an incredibly comprehensive, up to date work--way more information than students need, but very interesting. Anyway I'm very glad to see this course being continued and I look forward to that coffee.