Rev. Ernest Mitchell Speaks on Martin Luther King Sunday
Sunday lesson given at Unity Center of Christianity in Baltimore, January 19, 2020.
Hi Friends -
Yesterday, at the Unity Center of Christianity in Baltimore, we celebrated the Martin Luther King Holiday. Mary Goldsborough sang I Know Who Holds Tomorrow, I gave the meditation and our guest speaker was Rev. Ernest Mitchell.
Mary has sung in the Unity Chorale at our center for over 30 years. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow was recorded by Allison Kraus and I believe everyone will find the lyrics heartwarming in a Unity service.
Many people do not know that Mahalia Jackson sang the Peace Song in Berlin nor do they know how her heckling of Dr. King led to what historians declare to be the greatest speech of the 20th century.
Rev. Ernest participated when Dr. King came to Chicago to protest segregation in housing and he shared his recollections in today’s message. His message is an example of why we need the African American’s in Unity project. Take a moment to listen. Everyone found his message inspiring.
Mary Goldsborough, Soloist:
Mark Hicks, Meditation
Rev. Ernest Mitchell, Speaker
Sunday, Martin Luther King Holiday, January 20, 2020