Note that this page has a special menu entitled The Essential Charles Fillmore for navigating to other writings which are included in Jim Gaither’s wonderful book.
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Lesson Two
1. The foundation of our religion is Spirit, and there must be a science of Truth. The science of Truth is God thinking out creation. God is the original Mind in which all real ideas exist. The one original Mind creates by thought. This is stated in the first chapter of John:
2. In the beginning was the Word [Logos -- thought-word], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.
3. Eadie's Biblical Cyclopedia says: "The term Logos means thought expressed, either as an idea in mind or as vocal speech."

When we speak of creation as an ongoing process, it does not mean that each creative happening is a brand new creation. God's creation is finished in the sense that it is whole and complete with no parts missing. But within this creation of God a process is going on at all times. This process does not continue because of things being added to God's creation, but by means of what is already involved in God's creation. We have no idea how many energy levels and sources are yet to be tapped, just as we have no idea of the tremendous power lying dormant in our consciousness. Some of these things we are discovering, but we find that the more we discover, the more we realize still lies before us and above us. God's creation is finished, but it is living and because it is living, it is growing, unfolding, expanding. And so are we. Is there any limit to it? Will it ever end? Who can say? Most illumined minds say it is wrong to even use the words "limit" or "end" when speaking about the divine plan.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Creative Process, Creation as an Ongoing Process
- Ed Rabel
4. An understanding of the Logos reveals to us the law under which all things are brought forth -- the law of mind action. Creation takes place through the operation of the Logos. God is thinking the universe into manifestation right now. Even He cannot create without law. The law of the divine creation is the order and harmony of perfect thought.
5. God-Mind expresses its thoughts so perfectly that there is no occasion for change, hence all prayers and supplications for the change of God's will to conform to human desires are futile. God does not change His mind, or trim His thought, to meet the conflicting opinions of mankind. Understanding the perfection of God thoughts, man must conform to
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them; so conforming, he will discover that there is never necessity for any change of the will of God in regard to human affairs.

One might ask the question: "If God is Omnipresence, then why do we speak of 'finding' Him?" The answer is that we do not actually find God, since Omnipresence is never absent. But what we must find is our point of contact with His Presence, and that can only be within our own consciousness. Mr. Fillmore advises us, "Study your own mind." Only we can do such a thing. We are actually MORE THAN our own mind. There is a level of us which can STUDY our own mind. Can we see the tremendous implications of this fact? If we were ONLY our own mind, then we could not rise to a dimension above it in order to observe it or "study it."
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, Self Knowledge, Finding God
- Ed Rabel
6. A key to God-Mind is with everyone -- it is the action of the individual mind. Man is created the "image" and "likeness" of God; man is therefore a phase of God-Mind, and his mind must act like the original Mind. Study your own mind, and through it you will find God-Mind. In no other way can you get a complete understanding of yourself, of the universe, and of the law under which it is being brought forth. When you see the Creator thinking out His universe as the mathematician thinks out his problem, you will understand the necessity for the very apparent effort that nature makes to express itself; you will also understand why the impulse for higher things keeps welling up within your soul. God-Mind is living, acting thoughts. God-Mind is thinking in you; it is pushing your mind to grasp true ideas and carry them into expression.
7. It is therefore true, in logic and in inspiration, that man and the universe are within God-Mind as living, acting thoughts. God-Mind is giving itself to its creations, and those creations thus are evolving an independence that has the power to cooperate with, or to oppose, the original God will. It is then of vital importance to study the mind and understand its laws, because the starting point of every form in the universe is an idea.
8. Every man asks the question at some time,
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"What am I?" God answers: "Spiritually you are My idea of Myself as I see Myself in the ideal; physically you are the law of My mind executing that idea." "Great is the mystery of godliness," said Paul. A little learning is a dangerous thing in the study of Being. To separate oneself from the whole and then attempt to find out the great mystery is like dissecting inanimate flesh to find the source of life.
9. If you would know the mystery of Being, see yourself in Being. Know yourself as an integral idea in Divine Mind, and all other ideas will recognize you as their fellow worker. Throw yourself out of the Holy Trinity and you become an onlooker. Throw yourself into the Trinity and you become its avenue of expression. The Trinity is known commonly as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; metaphysically it is known as mind, idea, expression. These three are one. Each sees itself as including the other two, yet in creation separate. Jesus, the type man, placed Himself in the Godhead, and said: "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." But, recognizing the supremacy of spiritual Principle, which He was demonstrating, He said: "The Father is greater than I."

Mr. Fillmore refers to overcoming the "mystery" of both the idea of the Trinity and of the "intricate theological doctrine of the trinity." This indicates that he felt the desirability of a more simple and logical approach to this subject. Perhaps the most practical value of understanding the Trinity is simply that it involves all the orderly energy sequences which result in desirable manifestations.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Trinity, Three In One
What is said in this paragraph is true of all Truth teachings. You must not think of yourself as one thing and Truth as another thing. YOU ARE THAT TRUTH, AND THAT TRUTH IS YOU! Metaphysical teachings have no real meaning or purpose unless a human being is involved. There is no virtue without a human being involved. There is no sin or evil without a human being involved. There is no healing, no prosperity, no happiness without human beings involved in either negating them or experiencing and sharing them.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Trinity, Key to Understanding the Trinity
- Ed Rabel
10. Reducing the Trinity to simple numbers takes away much of its mystery. When we say that there is one Being with three attitudes of mind, we have stated in plain terms all that is involved in the intricate theological doctrine of the Trinity. The priesthood has always found it profitable to make
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complex that which is simple. When religion becomes an industry it has its trade secrets, and to the uninitiated they seem very great. Modern investigation of the character of the mind is taking away all the mysteries of Egyptian, Hindu, Hebrew, and many other religious and mystical systems of the past. Advocates of these systems are attempting to perpetuate their so-called secret knowledge through the occult societies springing up on every side in our day, but they meet with indifferent success. The modern Truth seeker takes very little on trust. Unless the claimant to occult lore can demonstrate his power in the world of affairs, people are suspicious of him. Religious awe for the priesthood, which is prevalent in Oriental countries, is lacking in the majority of Western people. In India, a yellow-robed holy man is regarded with reverence by both adults and children; in this country adults stare and small boys throw stones until he seeks the protection of the police. This seems irreverent, almost heathenish, yet it is the expression of an innate repudiation of everything that seeks to establish itself on any other foundation than that of practical demonstration.

We are a Trinity of spirit, soul, and body, not in the abstract but in recognizable, concrete terms. We are a manifestation of the Trinity. As Mr. Fillmore writes, the Trinity within each person "... manifests in an identity peculiar to the individual."
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Trinity in Man, The Trinity
- Ed Rabel
11. The mind of God is Spirit, soul, body; that is, mind, idea, expression. The mind of man is Spirit, soul, body -- not separate from God-Mind, but existing in it and making it manifest in an identity peculiar to the individual. Every man is building into his consciousness the three departments of God-Mind, and his success in the process is evidenced by the
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harmony, in his consciousness, of Spirit, soul, and body. If he is all body, he is but one-third expressed. If to body he has added soul, he is two-thirds man, and if to these two he is adding Spirit, he is on the way to the perfect manhood that God designed. Man has neither Spirit, soul, nor body of his own -- he has identity only. He can say, "I." He uses God Spirit, God soul, and God body, as his "I" elects. If he uses them with the idea that they belong to him, he develops selfishness, which limits his capacity and dwarfs his product.
12. In his right relation, man is the inlet and the outlet of an everywhere-present life, substance, and intelligence. When his "I" recognizes this fact and adjusts itself to the invisible expressions of the one Mind, man's mind becomes harmonious; his life, vigorous and perpetual; his body, healthy. It is imperative that the individual understand this relation in order to grow naturally. It must not only be understood as an abstract proposition, but it is necessary that he blend his life consciously with God life, his intelligence with God intelligence, and his body with the "Lord's body." Conscious identification must prevail in the whole man before he can be in right relation. This involves not only a recognition of the universal intelligence, life, and substance, but also their various combinations in man's consciousness. These combinations are, in the individual world, dependent for perfect expression upon man's recognition of and his loyalty to his origin -- God-Mind.
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Man is in God-Mind as a perfect idea. God-Mind is constantly trying to express in every man its perfect idea, the real and only man.
13. The perfect-man idea in God-Mind is known under various names in the many religious systems. The Krishna of the Hindu is the same as the Messiah of the Hebrews. All the great religions of the world are founded upon spiritual science, but not all of that science is understood by their followers. The Hebrews had been told again and again, by the spiritually wise, that a Messiah, or Christ man, would be born in their midst, but when He came they did not recognize Him, because of their lack of understanding. They understood only the letter of their religion. A similar lack of understanding prevails generally today. The Christ man, or perfect idea of God-Mind, is now being expressed and demonstrated by men and women as never before in the history of the race. Those who claim to be followers of the true religion should beware of putting the perfect-man idea out of their synagogues as the Jews put out Jesus Christ. The ancient Pharisees asked Jesus: "By what authority doest thou these things?" Modern Pharisees are repeating the same question. The substance of Jesus' answer was: "By their fruits ye shall know them." (Read Matt. 21:23-46.)

The desire to become a new person is universal in the hearts of mankind. No matter how good we are, how many advantages we may enjoy, how much satisfaction we feel in our lives, the desire for newness of being is always there. This desire would not be implanted in us if it were not possible for successful fulfillment. The new person exists in every one of us in embryo form. It is the seed of regeneration, the spark of divinity. It is growing; it is unfolding. Mr. Fillmore sees in the teachings of Jesus the right pattern to follow in helping this growth continue. Ed Rabel, Metaphysics 1, Personality and Individuality, Your True Self"
- Ed Rabel
14. This perfect-idea-of-God man is your true self. God-Mind is, under the law of thought, constantly seeking to release its perfection in you. It is your spirit, and when you ask for its guidance and
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place yourself, by prayer and affirmation, in mental touch with it, there is a great increase in its manifestation in your life. It has back of it all the powers of Being, and there is nothing that it cannot do if you give it full sway and make your thought strong enough to express the great forces that it is seeking to express in you.
15. A most important part of the law of mind action is the fact of thought-unity. It is absolutely necessary to understand the nature of this fact before one can demonstrate the power of the superconscious mind. Among our associates, we like and are attracted to those who understand and sympathize with our thoughts. The same law holds good in Divine Mind -- its thoughts are drawn to and find expression in the minds of those who raise themselves to its thought standard. This means that we must think of ourselves as God thinks of us, in order to appreciate and to receive His thoughts and to bring forth the fruits. If you think of yourself as anything less than the perfect child of the perfect Parent, you lower the thought standard of your mind and cut off the influx of thought from Divine Mind. Jesus referred to this law when He said: "Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
16. When we go forth in the understanding of man's perfect nature, we find a new state of consciousness forming in us; we think and do many things not according to the established custom, and
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the old consciousness rises up and asks: "By what authority?" We have so long looked for man-made authority in religious matters that we feel that we are treading on dangerous ground if we dare to think beyond prescribed doctrines. Right here we should appeal to the supreme reason of Spirit and proclaim what we perceive as the highest truth, regardless of precedent or tradition, mental ignorance or physical limitation: I AM is the "image of God," the "only begotten Son" (the expressed, or pressed out, Mind) of the Most High. This is our true estate, and we shall never realize it until we enter into it in mind, because there it is, and nowhere else.
17. Only through the superconscious mind can we behold and commune with God. "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." It is taught that Jesus was exclusively the "only begotten Son," but He Himself said: "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, Ye are gods'?" He proclaimed the unity of all men in the Father. "I am the light of the world." "Ye are the light of the world." Paul says, "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." We are "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ."

There are many ways of interpreting the new birth which Jesus says is necessary in order to "see the kingdom of God." Especially significant is this insight by Mr. Fillmore: "It is a process of mental adjustment and body transmutation." The new birth occurs when a person makes a certain commitment to Spirit. It can be in many different forms, but basically it is a commitment to make the effort to change the level of one's religious thinking. For Truth students it is the effort to let go of inadequate God concepts and enter into worship of God as Spirit and as Truth. This brings about the beginning of new "mental adjustment and body transmutation" which Mr. Fillmore writes about.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, Personality and Individuality, The Second Birth
- Ed Rabel
18. In this matter of sonship is one important point that we should not overlook; that point is the difference between those who perceive their sonship as a possibility, and those who have demonstrated it in their lives. "Ye must be born anew," was the
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proclamation of Jesus. The first birth is the human -- the self-consciousness of man as an intellectual and physical being; the second birth, the being "born anew," is the transformation and translation of the human to a higher plane of consciousness as the son of God.
19. The second birth is that in which we "put on Christ." It is a process of mental adjustment and body transmutation that takes place right here on earth. "Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus," is an epitome of a mental and physical change that may require years to work out. But all men must go through this change before they can enter into eternal life and be as Jesus Christ is.
20. This being "born anew," or "born from above," is not a miraculous change that takes place in man; it is the establishment in his consciousness of that which has always existed as the perfect-man idea in Divine Mind. God created man in His "image" and "likeness." God being Spirit, the man that He creates is spiritual. It follows as a logical sequence that man, on the positive, formative, creative side of his nature, is the direct emanation of his Maker; that he is just like his Maker; that he is endowed with creative power, and that his very being is involved in God-Mind which he is releasing by his creative thought. It is to this spiritual man that the Father says: "All things that are mine are thine."
21. Understanding of the status of all men in
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Divine Mind gives us a new light upon the life of Jesus of Nazareth and makes plain many of His seemingly mysterious statements. This spiritual consciousness, or Christ Mind, was quickened in Him, and through it He realized His relation to First Cause. When asked to show the Father, whom He constantly talked to as if He were personally present, He said, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." His personality had been merged into the universal. The mind of Being and the thought of Being were joined, and there was no consciousness of separation or apartness.
22. Everything about man presages the higher man. Foremost of these prophesies is the almost universal desire for the freedom that spiritual life promises, freedom from material limitations. The immortal perception spurs man on to invent mechanical devices that will carry him above limitations. For example, he flies by means external. In his spiritual nature he is provided with the ability to overcome gravity; when this power is developed, it will be common to see men and women passing to and fro in the air, without wings or mechanical appliances of any description.
23. The human organism has a world of latent energies waiting to be brought into manifestation. Distributed throughout the body are many nerve centers whose offices are as yet but vaguely understood. In the New Testament, which is a work on spiritual physiology, these centers are referred to as
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Charles Fillmore had deep insight into the meaning of the life of Jesus. To persons without spiritual understanding statements such as "Jesus was himself a parable; His life was an allegory" might sound audacious. But to one with even a bit of metaphysical understanding, these statements ring true and provide a practical frame of reference for our work on spiritual evolution.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, Spiritual Evolution, Life of Jesus
- Ed Rabel
"cities" and "rooms." The "upper room" is the very top of the head. Jesus was in this "upper room" of His mind when Nicodemus came to see Him "by night" -- meaning the ignorance of sense consciousness. It was in this "upper room" that the followers of Jesus prayed until the Holy Spirit came upon them. The superconsciousness, or Christ Mind, finds its first entrance into the natural mind through this higher brain center. By thought, speech, and deed this Christ Mind is brought into manifestation. The new birth is symbolically described in the history of Jesus.
24. "Verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things which ye see, and saw them not; and to hear the things which ye hear, and heard them not."
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Statements For The Realization Of The Son Of God
(To be used in connection with Lesson Two)
- I am the son of God, and the Spirit of the Most High dwells in me.
- I am the only begotten son, dwelling in the bosom of the Father.
- I am the lord of my mind, and the ruler of all its thought people.
- I am the Christ of God.
- Through Christ I have dominion over my every thought and word.
- I am the beloved son in whom the Father is well pleased.
- Of a truth I am the son of God.
- All that the Father has is mine.
- He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.
- I and my Father are one.
- My highest ideal is a perfect man.
- My next highest ideal is that I am that perfect man.
- I am the image and likeness of God, in whom is my perfection.
- It is written in the law of the Lord, "Ye are gods, and . . . sons of the Most High."
- These are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye may have life in his name.
Preceding Entry: Christian Healing 7-17: 1. True Character of Being
Following Entry: Christian Healing 30-39: 3. Manifestation