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These study helps and questions have been arranged for the convenience of students, whether they are working in class or in the privacy of their own homes. A careful comparison of the students' answers with the text will show how far they have progressed in their study.
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Lesson One -- The True Character Of Being
- Is there anything scientific about Spirit? Give reasons for your answer.
- Is it necessary for man's spiritual consciousness to be awake in the beginning of his study of spiritual science? In what attitude should one study?
- What attitude precedes inspiration of spiritual consciousness? May a certain amount of intellectual study help?
- What is the starting point in spiritual attainment? What is the Almighty? How does man understand the Almighty?
- What is one of the most important things that a student of spiritual science can learn? Why?
- What is the way out of confusion? How does it differ from "blind belief"?
- How does one get at the very heart of Being?
- Where is the abode of the Father?
- Explain God as immanent in the universe. How does this understanding differ from the old idea of God?
- Does the Power that creates and sustains the universe include man? What is the key to the whole situation?
- Define Spirit, and explain how it dwells in us.
- What do we mean by studying "Mind back of nature"?
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- What is man's inheritance, and how can he perpetually draw upon it?
- What is life in Being?
- What is the real of the universe? What is practical Christianity?
- Where should the student start his investigations? Why?
- What is the point of contact between man and the perfect Mind?
- What does the parable of the prodigal son typify?
- Why should the student never be discouraged?
- Can Truth be imparted? Why?
- Sum up, in a concise manner, the vital points of this chapter.
Lesson Two -- Being's Perfect Idea
- What is spiritual Truth? How does the one Mind create? What is the Logos?
- What is the law of divine creation?
- Do the supplications of man change the law of God? Explain.
- What is the key to our understanding of Divine Mind? Can man come to understand himself or the universe in any other way?
- Is it important to understand mind and its laws? Why?
- What is man from the viewpoint of Being?
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- Explain the Trinity and man's place in it.
- What is the demand of the present age regarding spiritual ideals?
- What are the three essentials to perfect manhood? What determines the degree to which any one or all of these phases may be expressd?
- What position does man occupy in relation to God? Is it imperative that man understand this relationship?
- Is the same faculty required to discern the Christ today that was required in the time of Jesus? If so, what is it?
- Is it possible for man today to be divinely guided? How is divine guidance brought about?
- Explain the law of attraction, as applied to mind and ideas.
- What authority does man require for thinking or speaking beyond prescribed standards?
- Through what phase of mind do we commune with God?
- Explain the difference between perceiving and demonstrating one's spiritual sonship. What is the first birth?
- Explain the first birth; the second birth.
- What is it to be "born from above"?
- Explain Jesus' relationship to the Father, and how it was developed.
- Why does man invent mechanical devices? How will he attain the satisfaction that he seeks in these things?
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- How is the Christ Mind brought into manifestation in the individual?
Lesson Three -- Manifestation
- What characterizes Christianity as a science?
- What will bridge the gulf between spiritual and material science?
- Should the Scriptures be considered allegorical?
- When read in the light of Spirit, what does the 1st chapter of Genesis portray? What is meant by the words, "and God . . . rested from all his work"?
- How is the apparent contradiction between the 1st and chapters of Genesis explained?
- What do the six days of creation mean? How shall we attain the Truth that Jesus said would make us free?
- How does all creation become harmonious and orderly to man?
- Describe the difference between the I AM man and the I will man. How was man driven out of Eden?
- What is the physical body, and how is it formed?
- What will a right idea of the character and origin of the body do for one?
- Where does the resurrection begin, and what takes place?
- How shall we get back to the "Father's house"?
- Where do our dreams, visions, and spiritual experiences come from?
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- How shall we enter into the dominion of the "kingdom" within us?
- Explain man's true identity?
- What have the old and the new religious ideas contributed to the solution of our spiritual problems?
- How shall we get back into the Garden of Eden?
- Explain the grouping of ideas.
- How are centers of consciousness brought to respond to the "I will"?
- What is regeneration?
Lesson Four -- Formative Power Of Thought
- What is the directive power in man?
- Explain the relation of thought to the functions of the body.
- Why have we failed to demonstrate perfect health?
- Upon what must man base his study of God?
- What is God's work in the creation of man?
- What part has man in the creation of himself and his world?
- How does man build his body and his world?
- Upon what must we base our thinking?
- Why has the physical scientist failed to demonstrate wholeness and perfection?
- Explain the difference between life as expressed by man and life in Divine Mind.
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- Upon what do the thoughts act to produce form?
- Illustrate in your own words how thought works in the organism.
- Where do ideas pertaining to life have their center of action?
- How may we connect the life center with its spiritual source, and what is the result of making such connection?
- What is the cause of imperfect bodies?
- How may man regain his spiritual dominion?
- What attitude of mind is conducive to a higher state of consciousness?
Lesson Five -- How To Control Thought
- What is the difference between the original thinker and the secondary thought?
- What is the essential fact in all manifestation?
- How may man exercise his highest dominion?
- What are the two fundamental attitudes of mind?
- What use can man make of these movements of the mind in building his world?
- What is the result of letting one's thoughts dwell on the acquiring of wealth?
- Is excessive affirmation advisable? Explain.
- What is the remedy for the ill effects in the organism that have come as a result of too much exercise of the affirmative mental attitude?
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- What is the result of excessive denial? What is the remedy for this result?
- What is the object of man's existence?
- What is meant by the "Adam" in man?
- What benefit do we derive from experience?
- What is "Satan" in man's consciousness?
- How may man become free from his dual condition?
- Is experience necessary in man's evolution?
- What is repentance?
- What is the meaning of "Deny himself . . . and follow me"?
- Explain the "Judas" in consciousness.
- Explain the meaning of Paul's words, "I die daily."
- What is the result of this process of dying daily?
Lesson Six -- The Word
- What is the word?
- How may man comprehend the creative process?
- What is the result when the Word is expressed by Divine Mind?
- Explain how the Word becomes flesh.
- How may man make his creation perfect?
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- Explain the original plan of creation in Divine Mind.
- How may man comprehend the word of God?
- How are divine ideas brought to the outer plane of consciousness?
- Explain the creative law, from the formless to the formed.
- What is the result when man's word conforms to the divine law?
- Explain how we give an account for "every idle word."
- What determines the character of the word?
- What ideas make constructive words?
- Explain the word as the "seed."
- What is the result of putting oneself into the consciousness of the supreme Mind?
- What quality must be included in the word, to accomplish results?
- Wherein does physical science fall short in explaining the plan of creation?
- Explain the effect of the spoken word.
- How must we use the word for sure results?
- Give an illustration of the power of the word.
Lesson Seven -- Spirituality, Or Prayer And Praise
- What is a symbol?
- Explain how symbols are used to describe man.
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- What do the twelve sons of Jacob symbolize in man?
- Explain how a higher expression of the twelve faculties is attained.
- What is a parable? What is an allegory?
- How are we able to understand parables and allegories?
- Is it possible to understand the twelve centers through the intellect?
- Where is the center of spirituality?
- What is the work of the Judah faculty?
- Why should praise be a component part of prayer?
- Define prayer in your own words.
- Why do we not receive immediate answer to our prayers?
- Name some of the benefits to be derived from prayer.
- What is the effect of praise in prayer?
- Explain the increasing power of praise.
- What does it mean to ask "in my name"?
- Where do we make connection with God, the Father?
- What is God's will for us?
- What attitude of mind is most conducive to the effectiveness of prayers?
- Name five points that you consider essential in prayer.
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Lesson Eight -- Faith
- Define faith in your own words.
- Where does faith find its most perfect expression?
- Explain the difference between faith and belief.
- What disciple represents faith? Why?
- What and where is the center through which faith acts?
- What is the result of placing faith in outer things?
- Where must faith be exercised in order to bring the results spoken of by Jesus?
- What is blind faith? Are the results of blind faith satisfactory?
- How, in consciousness, is faith increased?
- What is the inner power of faith? The outer expression?
- How must faith be used to master the spiritual forces?
- What fixes our relation to outer things?
- Where should faith be centered to insure success?
- Explain, from the experience of Peter on the water, how faith grows.
- What should be added to faith in order to make it more effective?
- What two faculties are developed along with faith?
- Explain how these faculties work with faith.
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- What does it mean to make friends with the "adversary"?
- Explain how we may have faith in the goodness of all men.
- Why is faith essential in healing?
Lesson Nine -- Imagination
- How does mind manifest?
- Explain wherein man is the "image" and "likeness" of God.
- What power has man as the "image" and "likeness"?
- Define imagination.
- Explain how the imaging faculty works on substance.
- What effect does the imaging power have upon thought?
- Locate the center of imagination.
- What faculties of mind does the imagination use, and how?
- Is it possible to impress these faculties from without, and if so, what is the result?
- What happens when man allows his imagination to run riot, regardless of law?
- How do the faculties of the mind work?
- How can one avoid receiving impressions from without?
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- What is meant by the "mount," as spoken of in the Scriptures?
- What is the power through which the I AM creates or recreates form?
- How are we to control the things that we create?
- What does Jacob represent in consciousness?
- What does the ladder in Jacob's dream represent?
- What does Joseph represent, and how did he reach the highest place in the king's domain?
- What are dreams, and how may they be made useful?
- What power has the imagination in forming the body? Explain.
- What is the highest work of the imagination?
Lesson Ten -- Will and Understanding
- To what does Jesus refer in the text at the beginning of this lesson?
- Explain how will and understanding work in the individual mind.
- What does man represent as the will of God?
- Explain man as a free agent.
- How do we build individual consciousness?
- What is the I AM? Explain what the I AM means to you.
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- How may we unify will and understanding?
- How do we produce the perfect man?
- What results when the will acts independently of the understanding? Explain.
- Explain the effect, on the body, of a strong personal will.
- Explain God and man in relation to will.
- Define understanding, and show how it works in the mind.
- What treatment do you suggest for willfullness?
- Explain why the will should not be broken.
- Should one try to dominate the will of another, in order to develop him spiritually? Explain.
- How should you proceed in order to let Divine Mind express itself through you?
- What is true self-control? How may man exercise it?
- How may we gain spiritual mastery?
- What apostle represents will? Explain the use of will in consciousness.
- Upon what must our understanding be based, that we may be willing to do God's will?
Lesson Eleven--Judgment And Justice
- Explain the law as given by Moses.
- Why is judgment necessary in the use of the love faculty?
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- Give the metaphysical meaning of the Urim and Thummim.
- How may love and justice be balanced in one's life?
- What is the cause of injustice?
- Where must judgment be placed, in order to express perfect justice?
- What is the meaning of "Judge not, that ye be not judged"?
- Why is man incapable of judging?
- What is the correct way to judge, as explained by Jesus?
- What is meant by "the day of judgment"?
- Explain how and why we are punished.
- How should we receive punishment?
- What is the result of the active use of judgment without understanding?
- What organ of the body is most affected by the active use of judgment, and why?
- Why should we have definite ideas of justice?
- What is the result of condemnation?
- How may we receive perfect justice?
- Explain the effect of jealousy on the faculty of judgment; give remedy.
- What is the relation of judgment to success?
- State the order of procedure in obtaining justice.
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Lesson Twelve--Love
- Explain love in Divine Mind.
- What is the work of love in man?
- What is the result of centering our love on things?
- How may we realize our true relation to life?
- Explain the process of love in the regeneration.
- What apostle represents the faculty of love?
- Where is the love center?
- How may thoughts of hatred be overcome in consciousness?
- What qualities are brought out in man through the activity of the love principle?
- How shall we make love of real value to ourselves?
- Explain how love is the fulfilling of the law.
- What is our relationship to our fellow man when divine love is established in consciousness?
- When is money really the root of evil?
- Explain the difference between divine love and human love.
- How can we know the love of God in its fullness?
- How shall we proceed to maintain a right relation among all creatures?
- What is the result when divine love enters into the thought process?
- Is it possible to approach God while there is aught in the heart against a brother?
- How may we become established in fearlessness and courage? Give an illustration from your own experience.
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- What is the unfailing antidote for fear?
Preceding Entry: Christian Healing 130-141: 12. Love
Following Entry: Christian Healing 161-172: Index