Part Two: Living Grace
Grace is a lilting thing...
The key metaphor running through chapters two, three and four of this part of the book first appears on page 42 of Part One:
“... to this Jewish Jesus we pay homage ... and we rejoice that this ‘parfait gentil Knight’ fought so good a fight against the Satan of evil-thinking, the adversary of us all—and sowed so fine a planting for all men to reap when His Knighthood was in flower—when He ascended to His Father, and our Father, to His God and our God.”

A happy man or woman is a radiant focus of good will, and their entrance into a room is as though another candle had been lighted.—Robert Louis Stevenson
Mirth is like a flash of lightning, cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind—Joseph Addison

(To compare it (Grace) to the pale moonflower, exquisite though that blossom be, is that enough?)
The moon at night, in soft blue-white,
Through garden sends her beam;
Then quiet here, we see appear
The flower of moon-gleam.
By light of day, in different way,
The garden is bedecked;
Its robe is hued—oh not subdued—
Full colored its effect.
The hollyhock tall, against the wall,
Is lovely in its height;
Red roses rare, pink too are there,
All radiant in sunlight.
The sunflower gold, its own doth hold,
In centered brown its might;
Blue aster star is seen afar,
With clear and broad day-sight.
Of posies gay, in bright array,
Myriads bloom at noon;
We know not how, but only thou
Art flower of the moon.
© 1947, Crichton Russ Boatwright