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6F: Mind-Shifts Encountered on the Mystic Path

Keep ever in mind that consciousness is now merging with the inner Christ. Because of this, this stage of evolution is often referred to as a "death and dying" process (Paul's reference to "I die daily" (I Cor. 15:31 KJV), or the St. John of the Cross experience of the "dark night of the soul." But, the only thing dying is the "sense" of separation and any false belief that has emerged as a result of that "sense" of separateness. Recognizing the following mind-shifts will prove helpful:

1. False pride surrenders to humility.

Any concepts of "self-gratification result from the sense of separation. This erroneous idea "dies" in spiritual baptism. To the degree that the mortal mind resists relinquishment, to that degree will there be pain and suffering. The mystic must be continually conscious of the truth that I of myself can do nothing — it is the Father within me who does all. The mystic learns not to take credit for success or for failure. This is also reflective of learning true "righteous judgment." If there is false pride remaining in the soul, the baptism of the "fire" of the Holy Spirit will reveal it and consume it through prayer and meditation.

2. All control issues must be surrendered to trust.

The need for control has grown out of overcoming victim consciousness. At the level of the metaphysician, this was beneficial and transformative. It built self-esteem and helped the individual assume responsibility. At the same time, building this self-image has a tendency to separate consciousness from the source of all control, God. As the mystic in you evolves, the need to put God in control becomes paramount. It is important to remember that without having learned to take control through the metaphysical path, the individual would not now have the strength, know-how, or willpower to surrender all control to the higher power. If there are any personal control issues remaining in memory, it is not at all uncommon for them to surface at this time. These are opportunities for trust, and surrender. Insisting on being "in control" during this phase of transformation will cause pain and suffering. Surrender will evoke grace and bring about the experience of oneness.

3. All personal will is surrendered to Divine Will.

The mystic is no longer invested in outcome. All desire is for the will of God to be done. Jesus' teaching to "not be anxious about your life" (Matt. 6:25) takes on new meaning. As personal will is merged with Divine Will, the concept of making no forceful effort takes on a new dimension of understanding. It is not that energy is not expended to bring about results; it is that the energy expended through the creative process becomes effortless. The mystic moves from working the creative process to letting the creative process work through the individual. This is the same teaching Jesus gave in taking no thought. It is being unconcerned with outcome, surrendered totally to God's will and the outworking of that will through the efforts of the higher self.

4. The concept of "desire" shifts to "acceptance."

In eastern mysticism, desirelessness is the goal of consciousness. This concept can be easily misinterpreted by the western mind as having no ambition, goals, or direction in life. More spiritually interpreted, this means a shift in consciousness which transcends yearning for that which one does not have, to accepting that which is already given. Jesus incorporated this teaching in the idea that the fields are already white with harvest. Christ consciousness knows that all has already been given and simply accepts whatever divine idea makes itself known to the conscious mind. The mystic realizes fully that desire always carries its fulfillment with it. This shifts consciousness from desiring to accepting.

5. The concept of Karma surrenders to grace.

Karma is the endless cycle of cause and effect that is perpetually operative in the cocreative process. Thoughts held in mind produce effects after their kind. The metaphysician has received tremendous enlightenment through comparing opposites (positive thoughts versus negative thoughts), and has grown to understand that transformation of consciousness can only take place by identifying negative thought patterns and changing them. The mystic, now being born in the disciple, begins to grasp the idea of transformation through grace which is experienced by identifying with the nature of being. Identifying with old thought patterns keeps one in a prolonged cycle of cause and effect and must give way now to keeping the eye single. Christ mind identifies with God only. That identification produces its own effects; transformation, learning, and healing through grace. This is usually not an easy concept for the beginning mystical mind to grasp, and may, therefore, create a struggle in consciousness.