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Remember that sometimes a prayer is not answered because the one offering it has placed an obstruction in the way.
Even a prayer must be set free in order to accomplish that whereto it is sent. A prayer must be released from human limitations and given entirely into the divine hands. An unforgiving state of mind holds a prayer down to earth as bad weather grounds an airplane.
Jesus promised: “Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And whensoever ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any one; that your father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
We can have whatever we ask for if we believe, but we cannot believe in the victorious power of good so long as we hate somebody. A person who condemns shows his lack of faith in God the good. To be effective a prayer must be released from personal consciousness so that it can ascend out of the personal into the spiritual realm. You must learn to pray with a happy heart; and how can you have a happy heart while you are angry or provoked?
Forgiveness releases the power of God in you.
When you have forgiven others as well as worldly conditions and even yourself, you will be able to relax your mind and free it from thoughts and emotions that make it tense.
God’s plan expressing itself through nature must have freedom to act. Plants and trees must have free access to air and sunshine in order to grow properly; they do not grow well in caves. To be well and strong the human body must be relaxed and free from mental darkness if the natural forces in it working under divine direction are to have an opportunity to function properly.
If you are troubled with disease why not set your body at ease by putting your mind at ease? Your body cannot be happy and harmonious if your mind is tied in knots by ill will. Sincerely forgive everyone against whom you have a grudge, then forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have made and note how unburdened you will feel.
I heard a woman who operates a rooming house for elderly persons say the other day that she was able to keep poised during the day, but at night she could not go to sleep for a long time after retiring because accusing thoughts concerning the possible mistakes she might have made during the day tormented her. She was overly conscientious. As she reviewed the events of the day she condemned herself for imaginary oversights in caring for her guests’ comfort. This fine woman forgave others but condemned herself. In so doing she interfered with God’s loving plans for her happiness and welfare.
There are many good people who are limiting their happiness by self-condemnation, and I suggest these persons use the following affirmation, addressing it to the image reflected in their mirror while dressing: “I forgive you, and God forgives you. He is taking care of this matter for you, and you do not need to worry about it. God’s love infolds you, and all is well.”
If you are troubled by thoughts of regret and self-condemnation practice some kind of forgiving meditation in your own words or the words given above, and rest in the consciousness that God is good and God is with you. Know that God does not condemn you when you have done your best. You can rest in His love continually after you have forgiven everybody, including yourself. I said “rest.” I mean that you should rest in His love, because in this way you will be enabled to find perfect relaxation. Know that God will bear the strain of the things that cause you to worry if you will permit Him to do so. You do the work, and let God absorb the worry. Your mind will then be clear, and because it is clear you can render better service to your fellow men. The beauty of human fellowship will then be revealed to you. Alexander Pope has said: “To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
Jesus taught that we must forgive our enemies, and Micah suggests that our enemies are the men of our own house. This means that we do not need to seek in foreign lands for our enemies. There are enemies very close to us. Our worst enemies are the destructive thoughts we think. These misguided thoughts are members of our mental family and must be forgiven.
As a matter of fact we are more prone to criticize the members of our own family than we are to criticize strangers. This is because we fear to hurl at strangers the unforgiving thoughts that clamor for expression, but we think the members of our family will take them. We must practice blessing and praising the members of our family in order to form the habit of peaceful thinking and speaking. Let us forgive the members of our family as well as ourselves; then we shall know how to forgive our other enemies.
SUNDAY: The forgiving love of Jesus Christ now sets me free from worry and fear.
MONDAY: The forgiving love of Jesus Christ now sets me free from hate, jealousy, and condemnation.
TUESDAY: Because God forgives me I am happy in His love.
WEDNESDAY: I behold all the members of my family to be God’s perfect children. They fill me with joy.
THURSDAY: I have no enemies because I love God everywhere present.
FRIDAY: God forgives me abundantly. Being a child of God, I forgive everybody.
SATURDAY: The forgiving love of Jesus Christ active in me opens the way for health, happiness, and prosperity to fill my life and affairs.