A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder about Rev. Anne Kunath
A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder about Rev. Anne Kunath
In this transitional period when we are progressing from the twentieth to the twenty-first century, it is a normal time to think about the foundational figures of the twentieth century who helped build and maintain the International New Thought Alliance.
There are other members of INTA who can give a more detailed account of the beginning of New Thought in the mid1800s and its progression through the rest of the Century, with the founders of the various New Thought movements appearing, beginning in the 1890s to found Unity, Divine Science and in the early twentieth century, the Science of Mind movement. "I wish to point out to you a figure who has contributed to the expansion of INTA."

Divine Science Minister
I wish to point out to you a figure who has contributed to the expansion of INTA in both the twentieth and twenty-first century. She is surprising to me because she first studied with me thirty years ago when I was pioneering Unity Church of San Antonio. You will have an opportunity to meet her at the Millennium 2000 INTA Congress, since she is its Chairman: Dr. Anne Kunath.
If you are not familiar with Anne, you should be. She has progressed from being a Ponder student thirty years ago, to founding the first Church of Divine Science in the Southwest, to acting as President of Divine Science and helping to oversee its Ministerial School. For her various contributions to Divine Science, Anne was uncharacteristically endowed with a doctorate of divinity by Divine Science on the spot at one of their Conventions. Along with founding a thriving Divine Science Church in San Antonio and being active in their Ministerial School, Anne now serves as a member of the Executive Board of INTA.
Anne is not only a down-to-earth, easy-to-follow metaphysician; she is organized, far-sighted and practical. Nothing escapes her notice, whether she indicates it or not. Her sense of humor serves her well on the platform and in private life.
I came to appreciate Anne even more when we shared a hotel suite at the 1998 INTA Congress in Scottsdale, Arizona. My son had reserved the Presidential Suite for us and one of those "INTA Lifetime Membership Only" parties. He understatedly said, "Mother this is going to be the nicest hotel suite you've ever used for an INTA party." When I arrived at the hotel, once I found the suite, then I had to find Anne! Her rooms were at one end of the suite, mine at the other; and numerous party areas were in between. We spent most of our time that week trying to find each other in that suite.
However, the greatest blessing (and this tends to happen at INTA meetings) was that we took time to visit early and late and catch up on the past 30 years personally and professionally. Also, since we both tend to be prosperity teachers, we somehow could not stay away from the subject of prosperity; and in sharing our prosperity experiences over the years, we found ourselves telling about paranormal prosperity - the kind that comes out of the blue that you can't explain: the manna from heaven, loaves and fishes type. Had I known about some of the experiences we would be sharing, I would have had a tape recorder on hand. I'm not sure we could ever re-experience that particular state of consciousness which we got into and almost could not turn off. It went on all week. As each one of us would relate a prosperity experience, it would trigger the memory of the other.
You may well say, "Well, that should have been easy for the two of you. After all, you were ensconced in the best suite in the house, surrounded by beautiful, fresh flowers, fruit, and other enticements. Your staffman had a room nearby, and his only job was to look after the two of you, driving you back and forth to meetings, and solving any other problem that arose."
To all appearance, that is true. But the truth of the matter is that Anne and I never even noticed our comfortable surroundings and helper. We didn't have time. We were too busy comparing notes on all the good things, as well as the learning experiences we had during the past three decades. We were so unaware of our surroundings in all our talking Truth, that instead of enjoying the many varied areas where could have visited in that suite together, we found one spot near the main door leading to the hallway — our point of reference in trying to find each other - and that "spot" consisted of a small round table, and two comfortable chairs, which we placed in a position to confront each other conversationally. After various INTA. meetings, we would re-assemble there and continue the conversation we sometimes had to terminate in mid-sentence. We had a convention within a convention, or our own prosperity seminary. I'm not sure it could have been termed the "advanced course," but it most certainly was a period of sharing paranormal prosperity experiences.
All of this is in the way of leading up to the fact that our Anne will be Chairman of the San Antonio Millennium 2000 which means it will be outstanding in every way. Her foresight and planning, and her army of workers assure its success. Pamper yourself by attending. You will doubtless have your own paranormal experiences in the process. Most attendees do!
(Excerpt - New Thought Magazine - Spring 2000)
© Catherine Ponder. All rights reserved.
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Used with permission.
Preceding Entry: Ponderings ... A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder 3: INTA Conference Life Member Receptions
Following Entry: Ponderings ... A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder 5: DeVorss & Co.